Chapter 1

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Julia's POV:

"Change the song," Jason says sternly and I roll my eyes at his ridiculous request. His blue eyes are fixated on the road, so he doesn't notice my small gesture.

"Since when do you not like The Beatles?" I huff, propping my bare feet up on the dashboard of Dean's 1969 Chevrolet Impala. I don't change the song currently playing from the iPod Classic hooked up to the car stereo with Zayn's makeshift AUX cable.

Jason glares at me for a brief second and grips the steering wheel a little bit tighter. He is clearly annoyed, but I honestly do not understand why. Only months earlier we were eagerly singing along to Come Together as if there was no tomorrow, and now he won't even listen to the damn song.

"Since The Crisis." Jason clenches his jaw and runs a hand roughly through his blonde hair. I wait patiently for him to continue, but it takes a while for him to admit his true inner feelings. He glances into the rearview mirror to look at the guys in the backseat before he slowly opens his mouth to explain. "It reminds me too much of what was before."

Oh. Well, that explains it, I guess. I feel bad and quickly pause the song not to bother my big brother any further with memories from the past.

"What do you want to listen to then?"

"Kings of Leon." Louis' voice floats up from the back of the car and I immediately start to scroll through the contents on my iPod in search for any songs from his favorite band.

I am proudly known as the Music Goddess or Music Guru of the group. My iPod Classic contains songs from pretty much every possible genre in the history of music, and I always know how to use songs to set the right mood. I make sure to always have everyone's favorite bands and artists easily at hand.

"Use Somebody?" I offer and turn my head to catch Louis' confirming nod.

The song has only just started when Louis and Harry quickly ad their voices to it. They are actually pretty decent singers, especially Harry with his slightly raspy voice.

"Jason, I want to drive," Dean announces, his tone annoyed. He hates it when someone else drives his baby and he hates it when he has to be cramped into the backseat. "Now."

"No way," Jason replies, his gaze not leaving the road for even a second. He swiftly swerves past the remains of a burnt out car. "You're injured and I won't let you get us all killed by driving us into a tree."

"It's just a cut," Dean huffs and I watch as he clenches and unclenches his right hand. He has a bandage wrapped around his forearm, blood seeping through the white fabric in a shocking contrast. I would call the deep gash more than just a cut, but Dean isn't the one to cry over his injuries. "You've been driving for hours, you need a break anyway."

"I can drive," Harry offers innocently and I giggle as Dean's face turn into a look of horror.

Harry's not a terrible driver, but he's not good either. To emphasize his poor driving skills: Liam plainly refuses to be his passenger and everyone finds it kind of hilarious.

"You're never allowed to drive my baby," Dean hisses angrily and Harry chuckles, his dimples carving delicately into his cheeks. "Seriously, Jason, you need a break."

"Fine, but you're not driving," Jason insists stubbornly. "Pick someone else. Who would you rather drive your car?"

"Me," Louis pleads, raising his hand into the air as if he is seated in a classroom. He would have been if it wasn't for The Walking Plague. He was a student before all this. "Pretty please?"

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