Chapter 9

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Harry's POV:

My eyes dart to the source of the sound as my heart jumpstarts in my chest.

A tiny creature is running down the unlit street, skinny arms flailing desperately to get our full attention. By the rapid and fluid movements, I can instantly tell that we aren't dealing with a zombie.

This is a human being, a child to be specific.

I reach for the gun tucked in the waistband of my skinny jeans and meet Julia's wary gaze. She is clutching her machete for dear life.

We simultaneously look away from each other and back to the child running towards us. I can tell by Julia's tense shoulders that she isn't sure what to do about the situation.

As the child comes closer, I realize that it is a girl. Her flaxen hair is in pigtails and her clothes are ragged and dirty. She can't be more than ten years old.

As she starts screaming again, I crane my neck to look behind her. Whatever's chasing the girl is scaring the living shit out of her. However, what disturbs me the most is that I don't see the threat. The street is empty aside from the girl.

Julia takes a few hesitant steps forwards as the distance between us and the girl is rapidly diminished. The girl almost collapses as she comes to a halt in front of us, and she quickly doubles over to lean her hands on her knees to recover from the marathon.

The tenderness in Julia's voice when she speaks up makes my heart swell. "Are you okay, sweetheart?"

The young girl takes a few more deep breaths and straightens to look at us. Up close I can see how hollow her cheeks are. She is close to starvation and I wonder whether she's been alone this whole time.

"They're chasing me," she whispers and Julia frowns as I crane my neck again. I still don't see anything.

"Who are?"

"The walking dead."

The dark and eerily quiet street is still empty. If the walking dead were chasing her, they're long gone now. I don't know whether I should continue to worry about them or not.

"Are you alone?" Julia asks cautiously and the girl nods. "When's the last time you've eaten?"

"I don't even remember," the girl admits.

"We can't have that," Julia states. "We have some leftovers from dinner. Come on, I'll heat it for you."

The girl suddenly tenses and seems hesitant, and I realize that Julia and I must seem awfully threatening and scary to her. We haven't had time to shower since our run-in with the zombies earlier and we still have dried blood on our faces and clothes as a result. Not to mention that we are heavily armed with various weapons.

"I'm Harry," I blurt out, thinking that a formal introduction will make her less scared. "And this is Julia. What's your name?"

"I'm Ally," the girl gingerly announces and I hold my hand out for her to shake, instantly regretting it as I realize that it is still coated in dried blood. Ally shakes it still.

Julia and I bring Ally with us inside. Everyone observes her warily as we explain who she is and where she came from. They are being polite as they introduce themselves, but I know that they don't necessarily like the newcomer. 

"Alex, could you get her some food?" Julia asks after the brief introduction and Alex nods. "The poor thing's starving."

Ally and Alex disappear into the kitchen as I toss the knee brace at Niall, too abruptly and forcefully for him to catch. Julia scolds me and quickly picks it up from the floor.

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