Chapter 1

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"Buzz" "Buzz" "Buzz"
I slowly hit snooze on my alarm and fall back
to sleep. A couple minutes later my mom walks
in to see if I'm up. "Ellie get up, the bus will be here in 10 mins" I quickly jump out of bed just noticing how long I slept. I start getting ready.

First I brush my teeth, wash my face and start getting dressed. I put on a pair of black leggings, a simple white shirt, and tie a flannel around my waist. Next I put on a pair of white converse and grab my books for school.

I walk downstairs and see my much younger brother Anthony in his high chair eating cereal and my mom looking for her keys... again.

Mom: Honey have you seen my-

Ellie: *laugh a little* They're right here mom

Mom: oh sorry. The bus is about to be here though, so there's no time for breakfast.

Ellie: That's okay mom.

Just then the bus pulls up. "See you later mom." Ugh here we go again. I have been riding the bus since second grade, and I'm 16 now. It's always the most stressful part of my day, but my mom and dad says that we don't have enough money to buy me a car.

Its almost Friday though which means it's almost time for the weekend. And yes, I know what you're thinking.. a 16 year old girl, you must go to parties all the time drinking and hooking up with guys. Which is the case for most girls at my school, but not me.

I haven't had a boyfriend since fourth grade when my first boyfriend Jack broke up with me for a girl named Sydney because she always brought fruit roll ups for snack. Which kind of made since at the time because I usually brought carrots or something like that, but he totally broke my little 9 year old heart.

Now about the parties and drinking, I've never been to a party even though the guys at school throw one almost every weekend and I've also never drank alcohol or anything. My friends on the other hand they attend every party and usually mess around with guys all the time. It doesn't really bother me though, because basically every girl at school acts the exact same way.

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