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Why does it feel so real? How could that be a dream? I walk in the heavy rain, clothes super wet.

I don't want to believe its a dream.

Then I remember, I know Hoseok's address.

I call a cab and wait for it to arrive.

"Please take me to (some address boqq)." I say.

He nods and takes me there. I check my pockets, my money is gone.

"Can I pay you back later, sir?" I ask.

He gives me a glare but then nods.

I walk out.

I stare at Hoseok's house. I then knock on the door.

A few seconds later Hoseok opens the door.

"Yes?" He asks.

"Hoseok..." I say.

"Excuse me, who are you?" he says.

"I'm Luna... Don't you remember me?" I say.

"Sorry.. No." he says, closing the door.

Before he fully closed the door I put my hand out to stop it from closing,

"No please. I'm begging you. Hoseok.." I say.

"You're probably another sasaeng.." He scoffs, attempting to close the door.

"Hoseok, I can prove it to you.." I say.

Suddenly Tae says, "Who's there?"

Suddenly Jimin comes running to Hoseok, as soon as he saw me he froze.

"Jimin.. Do you remember me?" I say

He shakes his head, "N-No, I don't."

"Listen, miss. If you would like to lea-"

"Let her in!" Jimin says

"What?!" Hoseok says.

"She can prove herself.. I trust her!!" Jimin says.

"I swear to god if she kills us.." Hoseok says.

"I won't.. I promise." I plead.

He let's me in, seeing the circle we used to chill at all the time.

I smile at myself remembering the memories.

"Before you talk to the others, I need to talk to you PRIVATELY." Jimin says, acting like an investigator.

I nod, it's one of his little games.

He takes me to the kitchen and he crosses his arms, raising an eyebrow.

Then he finally starts smiling and starts hugging me," I missed you!! "

" Wait, you remember me? " I say, eyes lighting up.

"I'm the only one who does." Jimin says, looking down.

"Oh.. What happened?" I ask.


Chae hit the members, making them lose consciousness, except one, Jimin. He saw everything. She injected each member with a drug. Jimin had a plan.

He grabs his barbie, "I'm sorry barbie I always loved u." he says, throwing it the opposite side.

Chae got paranoid and checked where the Barbie was, making Jimin  able to get rid of the drugs before she could drug him.

Hope 2: MelancholyWhere stories live. Discover now