Chapter 12

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"Please Hanna, pleeeaaassseeee!" I clasped my hands together and gave her a puppy dog face.

She sighed. "Why don't you want to sit next to Raiden anymore?"

"I can't look at him..." knowing I'm gonna go against what he said and join Umehito's club... I can't look at him. Not after what happened.

She sighed heavily and rubbed her eyes. "Yeah, Okay, I'll tell Josh,"

I grinned. "Thank you Hanna-Chan!"

"Yeah, yeah," she ruffled my hair.

Raiden skipped school for a whole week... so did I but I skipped because i thought he was gonna be here and i didn't wanna see him. Turns out the same day I came back is the day he's coming back. Crazy how that happened. Hanna sat next to me.

"Where have you and Raiden been?"

"I dunno when he's been, but I was at my dojo, I thought Khan and Ben would've told you,"

"They're still going to their lessons?" She laughed lightly.

I nodded. "They're improving," I smiled.

She smiled too. "So... you gonna tell me what happened between you and Raiden?"

I tilted my head. "He didn't... tell you?"

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Tell me... what..?"

I looked down at my lap as tears started to gather in my eyes. "It's not my place to say... he should tell you..."


The teacher walked in and she stopped her sentence. I looked at Raiden's seat for a second and saw that he managed to get to his seat without me noticing. He sat slumped over, staring at the desk, not even looking at Josh who was worriedly asking if he was alright. Josh looked up at me questioningly, I quickly looked away at my desks.

Hanna never stopped probing me for answers and when the bell rang, I ran out of the class. I felt like I couldn't breath in there. Everything was suffocating me. I made my way to the Black Magic Club room quickly but was stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist.

I looked at Honey and felt tears of frustration reach my eyes. I can't breath, I feel dizzy and I just wanna see Umehito.

"Imouto... what's wrong? Where have you been all week?"

I shook my head. "L—let me go, I—I need to go somewhere..." I said weakly, finding it hard to talk.

I'm gonna faint.

"Come into the Host Club, we'll help you,"

"I don't... I don't want... your help... I want to get away from you," I weakly yanked my hand away from his and the ground seemed to slip from beneath my feet.

Someone caught me and for a moment, as my eyes readjusted, all I saw was black.

"I'll take care of her, Misukunni-san," a voice came from the black.

I leaned closer. "Ume-chan... I'm dizzy..."

He took me into his club room. "It was the light, no doubt, you're photophobic, like me,"

"Oh... that's... that's really smart Ume-Chan, I would've just thought it's stress,"  I muttered as he set me on a couch.

He froze for a second, his puppet sweat dropped. "It could be that... but we don't want to take any chances," he grabbed a cloak. "It's not pink, but it will do for now,"

I sat up as he put it on me. I smiled at him.

"I feel better already Ume-chan,"

He nodded. "Good, I'll get you some water," he walked away.

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