Chapter 11

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*Cotton's POV*

'You don't understand Rei-Chan, I can bring them down like they brought my family down'

'But it's not nice' she shook her head.

'I don't want to talk about it anymore'

She frowned. 'If you curse them, I'm telling Raiden'

My eyes widened. 'You're supposed to be my friend, you're not supposed to tell'

'This is bad though Cotton!'

'I shouldn't have told you, you don't understand!' I stood up and stormed out of her room, going to my room, locking myself inside.

Tears of frustration fell from my eyes as I hugged my pillow. There was a soft knock on my door, no doubt it's Rei. There was another knock, i stayed where I was, quietly listening. Soon I heard footsteps leave the door and I sighed.

Why does no one understand..?

Suddenly there was another soft knock then a mechanical voice saying, "I love you,"

It came from her talking doll, Claire,  one of my favorites of her dolls. I crawled out of bed and opened the door slowly. She hugged Claire to her chest and looked at me sadly. I opened the door more to let her in. We sat on my bed, me hugging my pillow and her hugging Claire.

'I really really don't want you doing black magic' she signed.

'But it's the only way'

'No, it's just the easiest. Black magic should never be the answer'

'Rei-chan... i Can get rid of them this way'

'But the karma will strike back and maybe get rid of you'

I frowned. 'I don't want to leave you..'

'Then don't do bad things'

I nodded slowly. 'I'll look into more things but if I can't find anything else then I'm going to do it'

She sighed. 'If you must, But only if there's nothing else'

"Okay, lets go to sleep now," I said softly.

She nodded and we both curled up in my bed, falling asleep.

*time skip*

"Come on Shihiro, we have to go to school," Raiden nudged me.

"I'm not going today," I grumbled. "I'm staying with Rei,"

"You have to go,"

"No, I don't want to, I wanna stay with Rei,"

"Come on, Shihiro, out of bed,"

"No!" I covered my face with the blanket.

"Shihiro, if you don't get out of bed right now I'm going to force you out,"

I whined. "No..!"

He grabbed me and picked me up, I squirmed as he walked me to my closet. He set me down.

"Get dressed,"

"No," I stomped my foot.

He grabbed a dress from the hanger and tossed me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Rai-chaaaaaan!" I smack at his back.

He tossed me into the limo and then sat next to me. The door shut and the car started moving. I stared at him like he was crazy, because he is.

He pulled out his phone and called someone. "Hey, Hanna, can you meet me in front of the school, I need help with a problem.... yeah I'll be there in 10,"

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