Chapter 5

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*Cotton's POV*

"Rai-chan, you're actually gonna walk in with us today??" I questioned Raiden as we got closer to the Host Club room.

Hanna giggled. "I thought you were too manly to do something like that?"

He huffed. "Cotton is injured so I have to help her,"

I grinned happily. "Hanna could help me,"

"I'm going, this is final," he gave me a stern look.

Sophie laughed. "This is sweet, you're sacrificing your masculinity for Cotton, next thing you know I'll be helping her pick out a wedding dress,"

I blushed. "Rai-Chan is like a brother, that'd be too weird,"

"Exactly," He grumbled. "Girls and their ships,"

Sophie and Hanna giggled. Though Yui couldn't come today because her dad needed her at home. So that's where Raiden took his chance to come with us.

We walked in and Kyoya, glancing at Raiden though not commenting led us to Honey and Mori. I sat down with a happy smile, but then Raiden picked me up and sat down with me on my lap. Which is unnecessary but I'm not complaining because I love cuddles!

Honey and Mori were staring at me and Raiden, it was a bit uncomfortable so I looked up at Raiden for him to do something but he was glaring at the two.

"Bad Rai-chan! No mean looks!" I smacked him lightly.

He glanced at me and rolled his eyes. "Don't bend your arm that way, you'll hurt your back more,"

I crossed my arms. "Meanie, no more talkie from you,"

He shrugged and started to look around.

"So Honey-chan! How are you?" I grinned happily.

He grinned too. "Me and Usa-chan are great! We have lots of cake today, and I got extra carrot cake because it's your favorite!"

I squealed happily. "Thank you!"

Mori ser my piece of cake in front of me and I started eating, I was half way through my cake when I rennet that I was sitting on top of a person who might want cake too, so I held up a forkful of cake to Raiden.

"Want some?"

He didnt respond, just took the bite and then looked away with a light pink dusting his cheeks. I giggled lightly and went back to eating my cake.

Hanna and Sophie were silently giggling and whispering to each other. I fed Raiden another bite.

Suddenly Honey slammed his fork down and the whole club room went silent as all attention fell on our table. Raiden wrapped his arms around my waist protectively, though I don't think Honey would hurt me.

"Okay! Who's this guy?? Why does he keep touching you and why are you feeding him?? Is he your boyfriend?? You're too young for a boyfriend! And if you did get a boyfriend it shouldn't be someone like him! I bet he gets all bad grades! And he looks like a player! He's no good for you!"

My eyes widened at his outburst. Why is he so concerned?? And Raiden isn't a bad person! He's a really really nice person!

Raiden laughed. "Calm down kid, Shihiro's not my type, we're just friends,"

"Right!" I nodded. "Rei-chan told me his type! He like Chinese girls with long black hair and really dark eyes, his dream girl will have a flat nose and her breast size will be—"

Raiden cover my mouth with his hands with a heavy blush on his face. "I really hate that you and my sister were talking last night while I was asleep,"

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