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Youre a normal woman just going about your day. Youre heading home from a long day at work and you remember that you have to go get some food from the grocery store so you stop and grab some things so you dont have to go back out tonight.

You don't grab too many things. Just some simple and easy to cook meals. The most complicated thing you bought was three packs of ramen. You chuckle at the thought of you, a grown woman who works in an office building, is still eating ramen after all this time.

You can't exactly carry much. You decided to walk to work this morning instead of riding your bike. So you start to head home and right as you step out of the parking lot its starts to rain. You quickly speed walk over to the nearest tree to keep yourself from getting too wet. Youre wearing heels so you can't run to escape the down fall of rain that just swept away the sun.

As your standing underneath the tree you look across the sreet to see a dark figure just standing in the rain. "They must be getting soaked," you think to your self. You Keep staring but the figure doesnt move. Seeing this makes you extremely uncomfortable so you turn to your left and start your long, wet, and muggy journey home.

After heavily regreting your decision of walking to work for around twenty minutes, you finally make it home. You walk into the building and the floor beneath you is suddenly as drenched as you are. You didnt realised that you had gotten that wet on the way home. You take the stairs to get to your apartment to be courteous to the people that take the elevator. You figure a few more steps won't kill you in the long run if other people are happy.
You get to your apartment and the door is unlocked. You don't think anything of it since the custodians go in and pick up the trash and replace the bags once a day. You figured that they just forgot to relock your door.

You walk into your apartment and emediatly go to the kitchen. You set you groceries on the island and leave them there since nothing needs to be refrigerated. You start to strip as you walk through your living room and down the hallway. First your shirt, then your bra, and last you sit on your bed and take off your skirt. Youve never really been comfortable completely nude you always leave your underwear on.

You lay down in your bed and just relax for a good while. But when you open your eyes you notice that 3 hours had passed. Its currently 8:30 pm. "Shit! I fell asleep," you say to yourself as you rush to get out of bed. You walk into the kitchen and cook your self a bowl of ramen and go back to your room. You hadn't eaten since six this morning. You had to skip lunch in order to get more work done. You scarf down your food as if you hadn't eaten for weeks now. You take the empty bowl and place it in the kitchen sink. You think "I'll wash it after I take a shower. I feel gross."

You walk back to your room but this time you skip over the bed and walk straight to you bathroom. You look at your self in the mirror and see what you look like after what felt like the longest day of your life. Then you start to recap everything that happened. Your mind immediately stops when you think about the figure across from you that was just standing there in the rain.

"Any sensible person would have ran for cover as to not get wet. But he just stood there. Why?" You asked yourself this question many times while in the shower. You also questioned who he was and what he was doing. Along with if he lived near the area. That would explain why he was walking....or standing there.

You decide to forget about it and go watch some tv. You walk in the living room and get a strange feeling. Its almost as if someone was pushing you to the window. You look outside at the street below. "There he is. That man from earlier." You think out loud.

"Is he following me? No, that's completely stupid. He's just walking through town." You reassure yourself quietly. You turn to go to your couch to watch your favorite show. But you were greeted with a shocking sight. There he is. Sitting on your couch as if he had been there the whole time.

He turns his head and salutes you with a paralyzing stare. You quickly evaluate his appearance. His hair is as dark as the coffee you drink in the morning. His left eye is this absolutly gorgeous shade of blue while his right eye is completely blacked over. His beard is short but still scruffy. Hes wearing a black tee shirt and black ripped jeans, paired with a pair of black vans shoes. His skin is milky white. But there is one thing that stands our over everything. The deep gash that reaches all the way across his neck. It looks like a fresh wound but the blood isn't dripping. Its dried in place.

He stands up and walks toward you. You try to step away but you can't move. You're terrified. You try to figure out why your stuck but before you have time to react he's centimeters from your face. He comes close to kissing you but stops. He pulls back a few inches and smirks. "I know, (y/n), This all very confusing. Trust me, youre in good hands with me." He whispers in your ear in a tone that sends a chill up your spine. "How am I supposed to trust you? You followed me, broke into my house, and I don't even know your name." You ask between your heavy breaths as he strokes the inside of your thigh.

He gently grabs you by the chin and gets closer to your face once more. He says in a seductive tone, "My name isn't important. All that matters is that you end up sore and shaking by the time Im done with you. But just in case you want to scream my name, when I do certain things to that lovely body of yours, my name is Anti."

Our little Secret (antisepticeyexreader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora