Fun in funeral

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Scorpius cried in Harrys arms throughout the entire service. Harry tried his best to remain strong by trying to figure out who could have done this to the man he loved. When the service was over everyone left except for Harry and the baby in his arms, Dracos lifeless body lay motionless in the large coffin fitted in the ground. It was then that Harry let himself grieve, the tears ripped themselves from Harrys eyes and landed in droplets on the dry dirt.
"You didn't deserve this." Harry gasped. "I will make this right, I swear to you."
There was a cough behind Harry and he turned to see a raven haired 7th year, what was her name, Theodosia Gray, she was holding a rose.
"I've..... come to pay my respects." She whispered.
Harry nodded and turned back to Draco, if only there was a way to.
"I got it!" The sudden shout startled the girl and she watched as Harry, still holding Scorpius, sprinted back to the school.
Harry raced up the stairs and ran into his office, placing Scorpius in the baby bouncer, Harry began searching through his drawers. He pulled out an old parchment and began reading it letting out a frustrated growl.
"I am going to bring back your daddy, Scorpius." Harry smiled. "Even if it kills me."

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