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Luke's Pov

Seeing her has eased my heart. I may not know how she feels about me but if I ever had any doubt in my mind about how I feel for her that is all gone now. I love her and seeing her look so broken but so strong made me proud to love her. Stephanie, Michael and I had headed over to the hotel.

I need to shower and go back to see her as soon as I can, the only problem is that will most likely only be able to visit tomorrow. While they order food and shit, I decided to jump in the shower, letting the hot water cascade down my body, burning and easing some of the tension in my muscles.

After my shower, I head over to get some food before I get into bed. Calum's phone goes off and I see a text message from his girlfriend, I roll my eyes and remind myself to get a phone on my way to the hospital. Ashton calls and we end up talking about our flight arrangements and where we're going to meet up and all the other stuff, I feel guilty for leaving in the middle of the tour like this, but I really needed to see her.

After teasing Calum, I risk texting Vicky, I know I just saw her, but I already miss her. *Hey Babygirl. I miss you so much! Fuck it was good to see you.* I hold my breath, but there is a reply a few seconds after I hit the send button.

*Luke? I miss you too Young Skywalker. I'm happy that you came, thank you again, xoxo.* As gay as it might sound, my heart skips a damn beat and I get butterflies. I grip the phone tighter to make sure I don't drop it as I read the message again and again.

The next morning I wake up with Cal's phone still in my hand, the time reads 07:11. I check with Mikey and Steph and we agree to leave for the hospital in the next thirty minutes. After 12, we need to get on a plane to make our next show, so I want to spend as much time with Vicky as possible. It's going for 8 am when we arrive outside the hospital.

"What time to visiting hours even start?" Mikey asks as I walk through the corridors of the hospital to the only room I know.

"Who cares, we're here now." Just then Steph gets a text from Natalie.

"Nat says Vicky is being discharged today." The joy in is evident in our faces as we come around the final corner that is keeping me from the one I love. I get to the door and I freeze.

"What's wrong lover boy? Nervous?" I look at Steph and remember that she heard my confession all those many months ago. It almost feels like forever ago that we were in that position and now I'm here after everything, ready to tell her how I feel.

I wipe my palms on my jeans as I place my hand on the handle. I take a deep breath and before I can open the door, the door flies open, pulling me off balance and I stumble into Vicky. I quickly regain my balance and wrap my arms around her.

"Woah, there Skywalker," she smiles as she wraps her arms around me, gingerly and I pull her slightly tighter into me.

"What are you doing out of bed?" I hug her as she laughs in my ear and I feel like it's the sweetest music I've ever heard.

"I needed to take a walk and get some chips or something. I can't eat that slop for breakfast." She whispers as she looks around for a nurse to hear her.

I smile and lead her back to the bed, "I'll get it. What would you like?" I can't help the smile on my face and I watch as she follows my hand as I tuck her hair behind her ear.

"Oh no Mr Hemmings, I am going myself since it's the only time I'm allowed to leave this damn room." I throw my head back and laugh, I love it when she gets feisty.

"Okay then, let's go get breakfast." Mikey agrees and rambles on about food and not eating in over 8 hours.

When we're seated in the hospital canteen, I am immediately more aware of Vicky and all her actions, when she sits down next to me slowly, it's a little closer than usual and when she brushes her hand past my arm, it sends shivers down my spine. She speaks to Mikey and Steph and I watch enraptured by her movements, almost like every move is a concentrated thought before it's executed, must be because of the pain.

When she turns to face me and smiles, all I can think to do is blush, as I watch my hand move out to move the stray hair off of her face, "Hey gorgeous." I wink and when she blushes, I know that this is my chance.

"So you're getting discharged today?" She nods as she takes a sip of her orange juice.

"Yip, which reminds me, I should get back to my room and pack my stuff." I run my hand down her back and she leans closer into me, we both sigh and it feels like we're in our own little world.

After we're done eating I lean into her ear, "Let's get you home Babygirl. I can't wait to get you out of here." When she peers at me through her lashes, I feel the words bubbling up in my chest, 'I love you'. But when I open my mouth, nothing comes out. I close my mouth and lead her back to her room.

By 10 am the doctor has come by and signed the release papers, Natalie has confirmed she will be staying with Vicky for a few more days when we leave the hospital. We get into the car the Mikey thought to hire and I get in the back with Vicky and Natalie as Steph climbs in front with Micheal.

"I'm not sure if I want to leave the hospital with Steph behind the wheel since we'll all end up back here anyway." Vicky laughs and we take off to her apartment.

When we arrive at the apartment parking, Vicky tenses next to me. "You okay, Babygirl?" I ask as I take her hand and place a kiss in her hair.

"Yeah, I'm good thanks. It feels like it's been forever since I've been home." I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her into me, I can't get her close enough to chase away whatever fear she has about being back here after the beating she got.

"I'm here with you. You'll be okay," I look her in the eye and I want to make sure she believes me when she nods and grabs the corner of my t-shirt I give her a slight squeeze before we make our way to the lifts.

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