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Luke's Pov

I have to do or say something that will convince her that this is more than just a once off, or a twice off. I don't know why, but I feel like I need this girl in my life. Wait, what? Do I need her? I think I might. I don't know where these thoughts are coming from but I feel lighter after finally telling her about Izzy and me.

As she leans in to hold me, I feel like I can breathe again and then I realise she's shaking a little, is she cold? I'm about to ask her when I run my hand up her bare back and remember, we don't have tops on. I don't want to move since I am enjoying the heat radiating from her. I bite my lip to hold in the groan that is working its way up as we pull apart.

Her eyes are on my lips, watching as I bite down. I release my lip to say something, anything really. But before a thought can be formed, she gently kisses the spot where the ring is and my hand moves to the back of her neck. I let her take the lead, because the last time I did that, she told me what a bad idea this was.

"So sexy," she whispers against the corner of my mouth causing the need in me to grow, making me take over the kiss. My hands slide down her body and this time when they land on her hips, she's the one that climbs onto my lap.

The kiss is soft but filled with words and emotions that neither of us appears to understand, slow and getting deeper. When she rocks her hips in my lap, I can't hold back anymore. I continue to want more and the only way I can describe it is, kissing her feels like breathing and I'm trying to get as much air as I can before the kiss ends, to store up for the times I may not be able to breathe. Not that I intend to end this sweet torture.

"Luke," I love the way she says my name, especially when it sounds like that, filled with lust and passion. She pulls me closer, "We shouldn't. But please Luke." She continues and I'm up on my feet, and she wraps her legs around me. She fit so perfectly against me and she looks so perfect when she's flushed, blushing from head to toe. I've never wanted any one person this much before. Never. I look around to see where would be the right spot and as if reading my mind, she gasps, "bedroom," and I nod before putting my lips back on hers.

I walk into her room and she's gently placing kisses down my neck and nibbling on my ear. She is driving me wild and I don't want her to stop. Once I reach her bed, she slowly unwraps herself from around my body and slides down my front, causing the tension in my body to grow further. I hold her close once she's on her feet and when I see her eyes looking up at me, totally vulnerable and unguarded I have to ask.

"Are you sure?" Her small nod has me pulling away. I don't want to do anything if she's not sure. "Hey, it's okay if you're not or you don't want to," I said looking deep into her widening eyes.

"No! It's not that." She shakes her head and places her head on my bare chest, her breathing slightly shallow, "I want to. Please don't make me ask again." She whispers and in one move, my lips are on hers and I'm lowering her onto the bed.

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