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Vicky's Pov

When I pulled Stephanie into the kitchen to give Luke and Izzy space, I didn't expect it to be any more than just a visit from an ex-girlfriend. Luke had told me that she was still calling him to get back together but that it was over between them and I believed him.

When I saw him pull her into his arms, my stomach dropped and my chest tightened, I felt sick at the thought that he called her by that name. I had a headache as I walked into the room with Steph behind me. "Hey Vix, I don't know what to say. That was a lot to take in. Are you sure you're okay?"

When Steph sits down next to me, I smile and shake my head, I need to get over this. "Yeah, of course, I'm fine." I take a deep breath, "I'm okay really." I repeat as Steph gives me a doubtful look.

I guess my pathetic attempt at reassurance was too much for Steph when she starts, "You're way too calm. I would have knocked her out if it wasn't for you." She eyes me and pauses, "But hey, so, um Michael is going to see his baby, by his baby's mama's place and I think it's too soon for us. So I told him to go alone and... I planned on walking around and getting coffee and stuff if you wanna come?"

I look up and I'm torn between the kindness my friend has for me and the pain she must be feeling. "Why didn't you just go with Michael?" I know there's more to it.

"I don't know, I guess I feel like it would be awkward and change our relationship." I nod, understanding where she's coming from as things with Mikey is fairly new.

"Yeah, I get it. So you planned a day by yourself when I'm here?" I watch she become a bit more sheepish as she laughs.

"Yeah, well I know you and Luke had plans after the studio." I shake my head and hold my breath when there is a knock on the door before a head pops through the crack.

"Vicky, Steph, are you girls okay?" I release the breath when I realise its Liz.

I smile at Steph, "Yes thank you. We were just planning on where we're going to start exploring first, any suggestions?"

After Liz gave us a few suggestions and offered to accompany us, we got ready to leave. I knew I was being silly and that I couldn't avoid Luke, but the thought of him holding Izzy made my stomach turn. I grabbed my bag and we snuck out the front door while Liz had offered to distract Luke long enough for us to make it out without him seeing us.

I was so grateful to her while the guilt of running from Luke took over me. Steph and I walked down to the bus stop since we planned to head to the mall. Steph wanted to get something cute for the baby and for Michael while I wanted to roam around freely, without the attention that Luke gets.

However, when we got off the bus we were quickly surrounded by girls who claimed to recognise us, they knew Steph as Michael's girlfriend and me as Luke's mystery friend. The attention was more than I wanted with my headache and Steph was quick to disperse the crowd, handling this like an old pro.

We started with coffee before we went shopping, gathering our disguises as we went. I got a baseball cap with a pair of aviators and tucked my hair up, I even had to change my top to a baseball shirt. Steph got a large sun hat with a pair of large sunglasses and changed into a dress. I thought it was ridiculous, but we manage to draw less attention to ourselves this way, especially since we had a few fans following us.

After spending a few hours at the mall, we left in our new disguises, with a teddy for the baby and a wristband for Michael. I ended up buying 2 sets of wrist cuffs with emoticons all over them. We went to the market and walked around for a while, gathering souvenirs and trinkets to remember our time here.

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