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Vicky's Pov

After breakfast, I helped Liz clear the table before jumping into the shower. Once we were all done the boys had to go to the studio and invited us to go with them again. I pulled on my ombre blue and white denim shorts, a black tank top and my flops as per Luke's instructions with my bikini underneath and my hair in a low bun. Steph and Micky had already left and I was waiting for Luke.

Cal and Sam came to pick us up. When we got there, the girls sat in a line up against the wall, as the boys played with and tweaked their instruments. Char swooned when Ashton started drumming a solo in one of the songs, while Sam and Steph drooled over the Cal and Mikey. I couldn't take my eyes off Luke until my phone vibrated and I saw an unknown number.

My palms grew sweaty and my breathing became shallow as I felt light headed. I quickly turned my phone off and put it back into my pocket. After the band had been in there for about three hours, we all decided to get lunch.

We went to a diner that had an old school 80s rock feel to it. I instantly fell in love with the place. We took up three booths and as lunch was about to end, I felt a tidal wave of emotions, just then one of my favourite songs played by Maroon 5, Nothing Lasts Forever and as the song played, I knew that it was true for Luke and me.

"If you don't know, then you can't care and you show up, but you're not there. But I'm waiting and you want to, still afraid that I will desert you. Every day, with every worthless word, we get more far away. The distance between us makes it so hard to stay, but nothing lasts forever, but be honest babe. It hurts, but it may be the only way."

I take a deep breath and smile, I can enjoy this time together because when I get back home, reality will strike, Luke and the touring, Eric showing up, life and all its challenges. Just then I hear Luke singing along to the song as he keeps his eyes on me, waves of guilt wash over me for keeping this to myself and for playing with Luke's emotions, my own emotions in disarray.

"I want so bad to pick you up, but you're still too reluctant to accept my help. What a shame, I hope you find somewhere to place the blame, but until then the fact remains..."

Just then I feel a piece my heartbreak and feel the tears well up, I know Luke has his eyes on me, so I try to stop them from falling. He leans in and whispers, "Wanna go for a walk?"

I can't even smile as I nod, not wanting to speak or draw attention to myself. Luke and I slid out of the booth and walked out of the diner and toward the beach. I mentally prepare myself to speak as we walk, it's now or never.

"These past few days has been amazing Luke, thank you so much for bringing me along with you. It has been truly amazing." I could feel an ominous cloud start to loom over me as we walked and Luke's sunshine was starting to fade behind the cloud, a voice at the back of my head was telling to tell him about Eric.

"Thank you for coming, I can't really describe how happy this has made me, to have you by my side." It's almost as if too much was said and he grabs a hold of my hand as we walk along the beach.

"Luke," I take a deep breath, knowing there is no other way to do this, so I come right out and say it. "I have to tell you. The day before we left, Eric showed up at my office." I feel him stop and squeeze my hand.

For a moment I wondered how he would react and when he looks out at the ocean, I continue talking, "I wasn't going to tell you, but he started calling me since yesterday, but don't want you to worry, I've got this." His hand tightens in my hand, he runs his hand through his hair.

"I was wondering when you were going to tell me. I had hoped it would have been before we left, but I was so nervous to get you on the plane so you couldn't change your mind..." I raise my hand and narrow my eyes.

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