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Vicky's Pov

We decided to spend the day with everyone off running around on the beach, I had chosen to sit and watch our stuff with Charlotte since I was still feeling a little jet lagged and super lazy. Charlotte and I spoke for a while about what we do for a living and the band and her relationship with Ashton, but she was tight-lipped about the relationship, I'm guessing because she wasn't sure how much I knew.

After a while, Luke came running towards me, I thank the heavens I have on the sunglasses we got on the way to the beach since I watched as his shorts hung low because they were heavy with water and every other inch of him was glistening with droplets, his hair has curled, dripping and clung around his gorgeous face, he had a huge grin on his face and I could feel my face react and break out into a wide grin too.

The rest of the afternoon at the beach Luke sat with me, Charlotte had excused herself to take a walk with Ashton. When Calum got back, I went to get water and ice cream with him, despite Luke offering to go with me.

"So Vicky, you and Luke seem to be getting pretty serious." The topic had me bursting out in laughter.

"Oh, Calum where did that come from?" I had to ask. He seemed a bit shy but went ahead confidently.

"Luke probably hasn't told you this yet, but he is crazy about you and from what I've seen and the way you look at him, I would dare to say you feel the same way." I nearly choked on my water as we strolled back to our spot.

"I don't know Cal, I mean, I like him, yea sure, but it would be stupid to think we could have a relationship. I mean look at Ash and Charlotte. You can see she loves him but it hurts her whenever he leaves and I mean she has had time to adapt to it and grow with you guys."

I stopped and sighed as I looked out at the ocean with the sun begun to set. "I'm not sure we're ready for anything." I smile as Calum looks at me with a concerned look. "We both know that this isn't more than it can't be." I link my arm with him as we continue to walk.

He seems deep in thought and before he can say anything else, I let go and walk over to where Luke is watching us, Ashton and Charlotte just arrived from the opposite direction and Michael is staring at Steph while she laughs at whatever he said, most of their friends left earlier, so it was just us left. We hand out the refreshments and when we're all done, it's time to go.

By the time we all get to Luke's house, Liz has made a really good looking pasta dish, the sight of it instantly making me hungry, having had butterflies occupy my insides for the most part of the day and the distractions of Australia had made me forget that I hadn't eaten since breakfast. I excuse myself to shower and get dressed.

We all sit and eat at the table, joined this time by Luke's brothers as well as Michael, Calum and Ashton's moms. Stephanie nearly stroked out when she met Michael's mother, throughout dinner, I could tell she was nervous and she was on her best behaviour.

I tried to distract her with talk about how hot the boys looked on the beach and what we were going to do over the next few days here in Aus. After dinner, Ashton, Charlotte and Calum had left to take Charlotte home. Steph and Michael sat with Luke's brothers in the lounge while Luke had taken me to sit with him by the pool.

We weren't that affection today since we barely had time alone, but now that it was just us, I could feel the need to touch him take over. I looked up at the night sky and enjoyed the breeze, it was a lot warmer with my hoodie on.

"Your mom is really nice." I blurted to break the silence.

"Yeah, she is pretty great. She really seems to like you a lot, and Steph of course." I smiled and out of the corner of my eye, I could see him biting his lip ring.

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