Chapter 11: A Wall of Wild Flames

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One minute, (Y/N) was rushing to his rescue, the next she had passed out as a powerful attack rushed straight towards her. Natsu locked eyes with her as she fell to the ground, but he knew he couldn't make it to her in time.

"(Y/N)!" he screamed, attempting to rouse her from whatever sleep she had fallen into. He began to run towards her, but another wall of flames rose up and blocked his path. He grunted in pain as he watched the God's Bellow attack envelop the other dragon slayer. She was flung across the grassy field, rolling past a shell-shocked Wendy. Natsu fell to the ground, gritting his teeth and pressing his fist into the soft, wet, dirt, angrily.

"It's no use!" Zancrow called from across the expanse, sauntering towards the injured dragon slayer. "You saw the purple light. That means she's under Kain Hikaru's spell."

Natsu's eyes widened. That fucking doll. He growled, his extra sharp canine teeth showing. Zancrow narrowed his eyes, secretly intimidated by Natsu's change in attitude. A different aura was coming off of the pinkette; a more serious, vengeful one.

"You're going to fix her after I beat your ass into the ground," Natsu snarled.

"After this display, I can't say I'm worried," the blonde retorted, flipping his hair and laughing. Natsu growled, low, in the back of his throat, and planted his feet firmly in the soft soil.

"Your flames won't work on me," the fire dragon slayer stated solemnly. He stared Zancrow straight on, feeling the single bead of sweat roll down his forehead, tickling his face, his heart rate increasing as the drop traced a line in the dirt on his tan skin. Zancrow began to guffaw, his lean body shaking with laughter.

"That's rich! You're too cocky, wannabe dragon slayer."

He suddenly raced forwards, slamming into Natsu, sending him flying backwards, followed quickly by a wave of black fire searching for a victim. He smirked, leaning forwards slightly and cocked his head towards Wendy.

"Watch this, kid."

Wendy gulped, her heart rising into her throat. She felt like she was going to throw up. What could she do? She was injured (it was agony to move) and if Natsu and (Y/N) had been taken out so quickly, what good would she be?

"Oh! That's it!" Wendy exclaimed to herself. She began to crawl towards (Y/N)'s body, going slow as possible to avoid Zancrow's vengeful gaze. She was stopped in her tracks by a pillar of midnight flames shooting into the clear blue sky not ten feet away from her.

"NATSU-SAN!" she screamed. She was vaguely aware of Happy zooming over her head, straight towards the magic.

"NATSU!" he yelped, his voice quivering in fear for his best friend.


Happy crash landed just outside of the blast zone, rolling through the dirt.

"HAHA!" the god slayer cackled, his silhouette appearing out of the fire. "You thought you could eat the flames of a god? Flames that are above even a dragon? You're gonna end up getting divine punishment, kid."

Natsu was on the ground, beaten and bloodied. He shakily pushed himself up and looked up at the blonde mage standing over him.

"My power's on a completely different level than yours, kid. I'm a god killer. A god slayer."

"Pshht. I've felt flames hotter than these. Bring it on!" the fire dragon slayer challenged, getting to his feet and raising his fists in front of him. Natsu charged the older mage, sending a whirlwind of fiery attacks towards him, relentless in his barrage. Zancrow grinned, a malicious, cold smile.

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