Chapter 1: The Cottage at the End of the Lane

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He laughed as the pair walked down the street. "Why do you and Happy even have a house of your own?!" (Y/N) asked jokingly. Natsu blushed and said, "Well we don't wanna ruin what little alone time we give you in the first place," he smirked, "even though I'm sure you must hate it when we're gone."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and the setting sun played across her face in crazy patterns created by the canopy of trees above.

"Whatever, we practically live together anyways," she retorted with a giggle.

Natsu's blush faded and he felt slightly disappointed that he had to say goodbye to the (H/C). He shook it off so he could enjoy the walk to his cottage before she left. Besides, he'd see her tomorrow. He glanced over at her and took note of the way the golden light made her glow, bringing out the onyx and chocolate flecks in her (Y/C) eyes, shining on her (H/C) hair, her fulgent freckles, her sun-kissed skin. He smiled and chuckled to himself. She leaned forward and looked into his eyes, with curiosity brimming in her own.

"What're you laughing at?" she asked.

He blinked and grinned. She raised an eyebrow, but Natsu noticed the smile playing on her lips. He smiled wider and her deadpan broke and she grinned, a huge grin with sparkling white fangs. Literally fangs, her canines were large and pointed, much more than the average human's. Much like a dragon's. He started laughing and she joined in.

"What're you laughing at," he joked.

It felt good to laugh, much to Natsu's surprise. It was a nice laugh, not the kind that left you gasping for air at the end, or clutching your sides, but the kind that left you feeling brilliant and lifted and happy. (Y/N) gave him a smug side-eye and replied

"Oh, nothing. Just you."

The small cottage at the end of the lane glowed with the same golden light and (Y/N) whispered into the wind,

"You know, your house looks like something from a fairy tale."

Natsu chuckled again and studied the shack. The ivy curled up the fence and up the dark gray stones that made up the exterior. The red shingled roof was worn down, but the rusted weather vane on top still spun with urgency in the autumn wind, and the peeling white paint on the bottom half of the house had a sort of country charm that really did make you think of a fairy tale. A little magical cottage in the woods. (Y/N) smiled sweetly and turned to Natsu, the movement in the corner of his eye bringing his gaze back to her.

"Yeah, I guess it does."

"So a mage in Fairy Tail has a magical cottage from a fairytale." (Y/N) stated.

She shrugged and laughed a small laugh. It sounded like a dozen tiny chimes tinkling in a soft gust of wind, but the mischievous sparkle in her eyes is what made Natsu's heart melt.

"Tell Happy I say hi."

"Okay, see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, we need to take a request-" she paused in the middle of her sentence and made a pouty face, "I'm already out of food..."

"Not again, we went to the grocery store yesterday!"

"Lucy came over!"

"She couldn't possibly have eaten all of that!"

"I know but I used her as an excuse to cook most of what we bought..."

"How are you so skinny?"

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