Chapter 5: A Lesson Well Learned

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"Mest, I'm so sorry! I was no help at all! You should've brought someone else..."

The blue haired sky dragon slayer was crouched on the ground with her knees pulled into her chest, tears threatening to spill from her large, brown eyes.

"Hey now! You gave it your all. Gray and Loke are just some tough cookies, this is an S- Class competition after all!"

She looked up at the older man and smiled. He smiled in return, offering her a hand up. She took it, gladly, and was on her feet again in no time.

"Say, Wendy, do you know why this island is such a closely guarded secret?"

Wendy glanced at Mest curiously.

Does he actually expect me to know? she thought to herself.

"Well isn't it because the first master is buried here?"

He grinned at her with mischief in his eyes and said "No, no! Other than Mavis! There's supposedly some kind of hidden magic here!"

Wendy's face lit up at the thought, a hidden magic! Maybe it'd been created by Mavis herself, what if they found it?!

Mest glanced down at the younger mage and smiled again, adding "Wanna go explore?"

"For sure!" the sky dragon slayer exclaimed, her eyes glinting with excitement.


Natsu had to stop himself from glancing at (Y/N) as they battled. She was just so amazing to watch. He'd caught her looking at him once, that had felt good. Maybe she was thinking the same thing... SHIT. NATSU PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!! his brain screeched at him as he very narrowly dodged Gildarts powerful and menacing fist.

You gotta focus! Taking down Gildarts, AS A TEAM, is your priority right now! Not whether or not (Y/N) is looking at you!

"Shit..." Natsu mumbled under his breath. He took a step back and raised his fists into a fighting position.

"That all you got?" he taunted, even though he was out of breath and already bruised and bloodied. (Y/N) was no better. Gildarts smiled and his eyes glinted with devilry.

"Haven't even broken a sweat, kid."

"Well neither have I!" (Y/N) yelled from across the cavern, where Gildarts' last elbow to the chin had knocked her.

"Ok well I'm not bleeding, then." the older mage retorted, stooping down to the teenagers antics.

"Neither am I!" she yelled back once more, with even more determination.

"Uh, (Y/N)?" Happy called from the top of the chasm, "you might wanna check again."

Suddenly she seemed to realize that the red stuff getting in her eyes was not her hair, and was in fact blood gushing from a gash across her forehead.

"Ah...never mind then," she said, smilingly sheepishly as she came to stand next to Natsu once more. Gildarts smirked and held up his own hands in a fighting position. Natsu glanced at the female dragon slayer once more and nodded at her, trying to communicate his new plan of attack. Her eyes flashed in understanding, and suddenly she was in the air and a giant ball of fire was descending on Gildarts. Natsu rushed head first into the inferno and yelled, "FIRE DRAGON SWORD HORN!" while (Y/N) simultaneously bellowed, "FIRE DRAGON EXPLODING FLAME BLADE!"

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