Chapter 9: Man, Woman, or Beast?

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"Uh...Where'd Elfman and Evergreen go?" Natsu mumbled, spinning around in a circle.

"I bet they're kissing!" Happy squeaked, causing (Y/N) to giggle as the two of them chorused, "They liiiiiiike each other!"

Natsu grinned and laughed at them.

They were walking down a beaten path of weeds and granite, dust rising and coating their sandals with each step. The red flare still burned in the sky.

"Where are we going is a better question," (Y/N) mumbled from behind the pink haired mage.

"We're going where the bad guys are!" Natsu replied happily.

Happy crossed his arms and grunted, "Well we have no idea where they are!"

A ringing noise suddenly filled the dragon slayers' ears, and seconds later an explosion shot up, leaving a red and orange streak in the sky and smoke spreading out over the treetops.

(Y/N) grinned and yelled, "FOUND 'EM!" before she sprinted into the woods, straight towards the massive explosion. Natsu grinned as she looked back at him and grabbed his hand, pulling him along faster. Happy smirked and gave him a knowing look, which Natsu did his best to ignore. Now was not the time.


Lucy slowly blinked her eyes open and rubbed the sleep out of them. Her head was resting against a large boulder, the rest of her splayed out in the grass. What had happened? Where was she? Did she have her keys?!

She frantically reached down to make sure they were still securely attached to her hip. As soon as her fingers brushed against them, she relaxed and began to sit up, trying to remember what had happened. She brought a hand up to her chin in thought, before leaping to her feet and shouting, "CANA!"

Lucy scowled, remembering how the card mage had tricked her into telling her where Mavis' grave was and then knocked her out.

"Why I outta..." she growled under her breath, beginning to walk back towards the path. The red flare was still glowing in the sky and Lucy suddenly felt like she was being watched. The flare had reminded her that there were enemies on the island...and she was all alone. She shivered, hurrying back to the path as fast as she could.


Lucy turned.


She knew she had heard it the second time. There was something creeping through the brush behind her. She reached for her keys, taking out Scorpio's, before yelling, "I know you're there! Show yourself!"

A large, chubby man dressed as a sumo wrestler stumbled out of the brush, tripping on a root as he went and landed at Lucy's feet.

"AH!" the blonde yelled, jumping away from the man.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" she screeched, looking around wildly for other enemies.

He sloppily got to his feet and dusted himself off, eyeing Lucy wearily. She took another step back, but her heel caught a rock in the path and she went tumbling backwards, landing with a thud against a tree stump. She blinked her eyes sluggishly, attempting to orient herself.

"TAKE THAT!" the man suddenly shouted, his large foot racing towards Lucy's face.

"AH!" Lucy screamed again, barely managing to dodge his powerful attack. A large boot print appeared in the ground where she had been. The man growled in frustration and turned towards her again.

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