Chapter 8: A Job Well Done

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Gajeel's eyes widened as the Grimoire Heart member fell through the air, his katana pointed right at Gajeel's face. A noise as loud as thunder rang out and he noticed Levy cowering behind him, her hands pressed against her ears in a desperate attempt to stop the wall of sound. Suddenly, words appeared in front of the man.

"He uses word magic! Just like you!" he called over his shoulder to Levy.

"It's solid script from the orient!" she called back over her own shoulder. Gajeel gave in and pressed his own hands over his ears, screaming "SHADDUP!" at the top of his lungs in the general direction of the opponent. Gajeel couldn't figure out what the deal was; the mage hadn't moved after he had cast the sound script. Should he attack?

He could have sworn he faintly heard someone calling his name, but he was hesitant to take his eyes off the solid script mage in front of him.

"GAJEEL!!" Levy screamed as she yanked him out of the way of the talons of the second Grimoire Heart mage. They fell into the grass together, dirt flying up around them. Gajeel looked up, only to see a wall of flaming eggs shooting towards him.

"EGGS?!" he raged.

They bombarded the iron dragon slayer and the blue-haired solid script mage, pushing them apart. Gajeel quickly leapt to the side as a katana blade barely missed his shoulder. He whirled around to face his attacker, muttering, "Dammit! It's so loud I can't even hear footsteps!"

He dodged again, leaping up. He landed and narrowly avoided being beheaded. He watched a couple strands of his hair float away in the wind.

Levy got up and ran a couple of feet away from him, a look of determination on her face.

"SILENT SCRIPT!" she yelled as the large, block letters thumped onto the ground in front of her, completely stopping the blaring scream emanating from the other solid script as the two words crashed into each other and dissolved.

Gajeel slowly brought his hands down from his ears, grunting.

"The sound is back to normal..."

The Grimoire Heart script mage stared her down, outrage plastered across his ugly features.

"YOU CANCELLED OUT MY WORD!" he screeched angrily.

Gajeel's eyes glinted as he whirled around to face the mage, yelling, "I HEARD THAT!"

His iron fist crashed into the enemy's stomach, sending him flying back.


The other mage readied another shower of eggs, but as they shot towards the two Fairytail wizards, Levy cast solid script fire, turning the eggs to ash before they could reach them.

The enemy mage's jaw dropped in defeat and his partner wildly swung his katana around, howling, "HOW DARE YOU!"

He began to rapidly cast solid scripts that flew through the clearing and sliced through the surrounding trees. Gajeel barely dodged one, but as he came back to a standing position, realized there was another one coming straight for him. He put up his iron arm in a block, but as the spells collided, he felt a deep cut appear in his arm, sending a spurt of blood out. Gajeel let out a surprised grunt.

Levy attempted to block another shower of eggs, but the mage had multiplied the amount by ten fold and they came crashing down onto her. She crumpled to the ground, desperately trying to avoid being hit.

Gajeel's breathing was heavy and he was panicking. This guy is cutting right through my iron scales...

Gajeel's breath caught in his throat as another flash of the katana caught his eye and a sharp pain blossomed in his side. He had been hit. Blood rushed from the wound and he contorted his face in pain, clutching at his abdomen. He faintly heard the man saying, "dark sword..." and Levy scream "NO!" from across the field.

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