Chapter 10: A Mysterious Purple Spell

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Lucy, Happy, (Y/N), and Natsu raced through the woods together, the two dragon slayers attempting to track Zeref's smell.

"Any luck?" Lucy called up to the pinkette leading the pack.

"No...nothing so far," he mumbled, obviously annoyed by the situation. Lucy felt goosebumps rise on her arms and the hair on the back of her neck stood up.

"Someone's here!" she whispered harshly into (Y/N)'s ear. The dragon slayer paused for a moment, sniffing the air.

"It's Gray I think..." she said, puzzled.

"HELLO? POPSICLE, YOU OUT THERE?!" the dragon slayer suddenly yelled into the woods. Lucy's heart leapt into her chest, worried (Y/N) was wrong. But seconds later, a mop of black hair appeared out of the trunks. Loke followed close behind. Lucy's eyes lit up.

"You guys haven't seen Cana, have you?" Lucy asked rather frantically.

"Huh? Nope. Haven't seen her. What happened?"

Lucy began to describe the situation before she faltered, realizing it would put Cana in a very bad light, and she couldn't very well explain the reasoning.

"I...I must have gotten knocked out somehow. When I woke up, I was alone and one of the Seven Kin of Purgatory was watching me."

Loke immediately rushed forward and swept Lucy off her feet.

"How cruel! A beautiful maiden all alone in the woods! With the likes of these two!" he said, gesturing at the dragon slayers.

"HEY!" Natsu and (Y/N) yelled in protest. Loke smiled and added, "Oh, of course I'm kidding! (Y/N) is as lovely as ever."

He winked, and caught Natsu's eye above the girl's head, causing his lips to twitch slightly in amusement as he smirked. Natsu glared back daggers.

"Loke!" Lucy scolded as he sat her down. "Be nice."

The Spirit King smiled down at her lovingly and nodded, chuckling a little.

"I'll try my hardest."

He turned to Natsu, a serious look in his eyes.

"Where are you guys heading?"

Natsu shrugged, letting most of the venom escape from his gaze, but not all of it.

"Just trying to find Zeref," he stated, nonchalantly. The new mages eyes widened in terror.

"We should all look for him then, flame brain!" Gray butted in. "Since you managed to lose him!"

Natsu scowled and pressed his head against the ice mage's.

"You don't know I lost him, popsicle!"

"No, but its not a bad bet!"

Gray turned to look at Lucy and asked, "Did he lose the Dark Lord Zeref?"

Lucy rubbed her forehead again and sighed while giving the ice make mage a forlorn nod.


Lucy stepped in between them and shoved them apart, annoyance clear on her face.

"Why don't we split into two groups and go looking for him? We'll cover more ground and-"

"Good idea, Luce! See you later!" Natsu called over his shoulder as he dragged (Y/N) into the forest after him, Happy flying alongside.

"HEY!" the blonde yelled, but got no response, and soon their footsteps faded.

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