Chapter 10: Deep Down

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"I am NOT going to sit here and do nothing!" yelled Zeus as he threw shit around trying his best to control his  anger and pain. I didn't know his pain but I've felt that hatred and anger before. Trust and believe I want to torture that nigga Rich Caine alot more than Zeus. I glanced over at Low-Key.

His expression was simply blank but his eyes was filled with murder. Rich Caine was most definitely going to pay. Unfortunately we didn't have a clue as to where this bitch was at.

"I know what we should do" said Low.
Zeus and I gave him our undivided attention. "We're going to take his money, flush him out".

"The fuck I look like, a video game?" snapped Zeus. " No fuck that shit, I got money,  I got cars,  I got everything !"

He kicked a barrel across the room. We heard him sniffling as his back faced us. "I had...*sniff*.. everything" he cried.

"She didn't deserve that man, that woman is a queen, an angel, she only wanted to be happy in this cruel world and to think her own got damn FATHER....!" He said through gritted teeth shaking his fist around.

"I will TORTURE that piece of shit so horribly he'll pray to have the devil torture him instead of me"

I walked over and hugged him.
"I hear you brother, but like you always say we have to be smart" I said as I pat his back while he cried.

"I'm going to make some moves for this plan, meet me at my spot tomorrow" Low said before walking out. "He will pay Zeus"

I watched as he left then I walked Zeus to his car and told him to go get some rest before I got into mine.

I looked at my contacts and was about to text Madison before I thought about Kandice and decided to give her a call.


"What did you want?" said Kandice as she let me in.

"You" I said as I checked her out in her grey booty shorts and matching Nike sports bra. Her breast was damn near about to pop out as she moved around. But sex isn't what I came here for.

"Why me?" she asked. "Don't you have a girlfriend?"

I raised my eyebrow at her question and glanced at her with a mug.

"Who you told you that?" I asked because I know damn well I didn't.

"Trish told me"

I shook my head before sitting on her couch and getting relaxed. She sat a distance away from me with her legs crossed on the couch glaring at me.

"How the fuck does.. you know what I don't care" I said leaning my head back. "You know why I'm here".

"If your here for pussy then why didn't you bring any alcohol or weed?" she said bluntly.

I laughed before biting my lip thinking about it. "Nah..Ebony"

"Ebony?" she asked slightly startled. I looked directly in her eyes as she stared before breaking eye contact with a frightened expression on her face.

"What do you know?" I asked still staring even though she wasn't looking at me.

"I heard what happened I just don't believe her dad would do such a thing" she said as tears started falling down her cheeks. I blinked and scooted closer pulling her into my arms to comfort her.

"Why didn't you tell me he was her father when you met me" I asked not really fazed by her crying. Most women know how to fake their way out of any possible situation.

"T-Trish said that you were a  dangerous low life trying to takeover and that if we told you, you'd kill Kheyla to get to him"

"Trish huh" I said while thinking to myself.  I looked down at my phone as I received a message from Madison.

"I see you decided to cheat on me with a stank ass bitch"

"Best believe you won't be getting any of this anymore bitch"

"You have no chance to lie either I got all the info I need, don't text me anymore, don't call, and don't even think about finding me because I am g.o.n.e puta!"

I leaned over and kissed Kandice lips before picking her up and carrying her to her bedroom. This day has been wild might as well end it off good.


"I love it when things line up perfectly,  now to start the domino effect and become Queen of Cali".
I laughed as my best friend Trish came in with good news.

"I got good news toooo" said Ameeka as she strutted into the room sucking a popsicle. "Lola and Low are done"

"As well as Tre and Madison too" added Trish as she sipped some tea.

"Ya'll bitches are keepers" I laughed as I turned around in my rolling chair looking up at a customized painting me with Rich's severed head in my hand as I sat on a throne with Ameeka at my feet and Trish by my side.

"I'm back bitches"

Thanks for reading!

What do you think Low-Key is up to?
Is Rich Caine really that much of a monster?
Who do you think is going to die next?
Will Zeus get to avenge his girl?
Do ya'll think Tre is making a mistake?
Should Low-Key try to get Lola back?

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Thanks for all who do and please Rate!

P.s. im trying to shorten the chapters...I don't know if their too long for you all or not.  I need feedback.

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Stay Tuned.

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