Chapter 2: Low and Steady

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We was all chilling in Low's spot counting money when Low stood up and started talking about clubs and shit. I really wasn't into the club thing but he said it would help us clean our money we made on the streets so I gave it some consideration. Over the years of knowing each other Low-Key would constantly bring up the idea of owning our own clubs and that he knew exactly how he'd want it and everything. Today he pulled out his laptop and showed us all a project he and architect friends were working on and to be honest I was amazed at the designs he was showing me.

"See this is how we want the club to look" said Low-Key grinning from to ear to ear. "I want people to walk inside and fall in love with the view and feel as if they're dancing in the skies!"

"Yea I like this man, I'm impressed" I said smiling. "So what are you going to name this masterpiece" I spoke as I looked around at everybody then back at him.

"I'm calling it Eminifity" he said smiling with the biggest grin flashing his icy white teeth. I looked around at everybody for confirmation and surprisingly everyone agreed though they had confused looks on they face. I thought about it for a while and stood up and clapped for Low. "You really gave that some thought man, Eminent and Infinity. I actually want to be a part of this idea now." Then everybody started cheering and laughing before getting back to counting money. I walked into the kitchen to get something to sip on before I felt a hand run down my thigh and I quickly turned around and grabbed her arm. "Ameeka don't play with me, I really don't have no time to be fooling with you." I said with a slightly mean look. She started giggling and sat on the counter spreading her legs, leaning back on her hands causing her chest to rise. I'm not going to front she had a banging body but she was nothing but trouble and trouble is what I'm trying to avoid. I noticed she only had a thong on and long red knee socks with black stripes at the top, but had her breast out showing off her panther tattoo across her breast. Ameeka is a 5'3 yellow-bone with a curvy fit body and long brown curly hair with a booty to die for though she had small perky breast her beautiful face and light grey eyes made guys go bankrupt just to keep her. She used to be on a twerk team but when she caught a sight of me and my crew at one of her performances she decided to spend more time with us but me especially. We talked for a while until I found out she already had a boyfriend that was well-connected with police. Her being at Low's spot raised flags but I decided not to worry about it because I know Low wanted to smash her ever since he met her. "Tre you need to stop stunting on me and come back to mami" she said seductively, breaking my train of thought. "You know you loved this coco papi" she smiled while rubbing her body moaning slightly feeling on herself.

While I was looking and checking out her body she used that chance to grab on my slight erection. For a second I was stuck in thought and actually thought about smashing her right then and there until one of my boys walked in high as a kite. I immediately pushed her off me and walked back into the living room and got into rotation of blunts being passed around.

"Yo, so when we starting this club thing up" I said smoking a blunt.

"Funny you should ask, we already did" Low-Key said snickering. "You think I was going to wait until you finally agreed to go through with it, hell no this money needs to get cleaned up one way or another and time is money so I went ahead and got everything started the club she be done by next week." I almost dropped my blunt when he said that because Zeus, Low, and I always talked about things before we made any big moves, especially things like this, but I couldn't get mad because it didn't cost me a dime. Before I got to speak, Ameeka came in and sat on my lap, because I loved the feeling I didn't mind but I wasn't about to give her any confirmation that she was going to get anything later. "What about management?" I finally said getting comfortable smoking another blunt. "You know who you going to have in charge of stuff?"

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