Chapter 15: WANTED

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"Damn you hooked this plate up" I told her as I continued eating. This woman could really throw down when it comes to cooking I see. I was tearing my plate of food up when I glanced up and noticed that she wasn't eating. I paused and slowly put my fork down then wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"What is it?" I asked her while looking directly in her eyes. Kandice started shifting around in her seat, looking as if she wanted to say something. I started analyzing my plate and then glanced at my cup.  Did this girl drug me or something?, I thought to myself .

Suddenly, she rose up out her seat and jumped on me screaming "No!", knocking us to the floor as a bullet barely missed us. It was at that moment I knew...

She set me up.


2 hours before Tre arrived..

"I'm going to leave one of my guys placed outside somewhere, all I need is for you to stall him." Rich Caine stated nonchalantly as he walked around looking at my family pictures. "Normally I'd handle this quickly and brutally, but I've noticed this guy has quite an army. War is bad for business, so I'll make it seem as if the fuck buddy, in which is you, set him up and killed him."

"What?!" I screamed, not caring about how dangerous he was anymore. "How the fuck you just going to pin this shit o—."

*gun cocks*

I instantly went mute when one of Caine's men placed the barrel of his handgun to the side of my head. Tears instantly flowed down my cheeks but, I couldn't seem to make a sound. My life flashed before my eyes in seconds as I thought of my final moments. I closed my eyes.

This is it.

"It wasn't a request", Rich Caine stated glancing at his watch, then turned around and left my apartment. As soon as I heard him walking away, the gun was removed from my head and I opened my eyes as I saw the others walk out.

I quickly locked my door and looked out the window to see if they actually left. 4 white Chevy Tahoes were  leaving as 2 of the guys hopped into the 4th one. I made sure I seen them leave completely before I moved away from the window.

"Oh shit, oh shit!" I was breathing heavily. I couldn't even think straight for a minute, but then I suddenly remembered Tre was on his way. I needed to clean myself up fast. If he suspects me, I doubt he'd let me live. So I went to clean myself up and then get back to getting ready for Tre to show up.

After making sure things were good and the mood was set, I tried to calm myself by thinking about the sex with him.

Hmmm the way he touched me and...
I started getting lost in thought before hearing my doorbell. My heart instantly started beating rapidly. Every step I took towards the door was feeling like walking through quicksand.

Get your fucking self together!

I thought to myself and opened the door with a smile after taking a deep breath. When I seen his face, that love filled my heart and I just wanted to do some thangs to him. It was Tre.

As we he walked in and complimented my apartment and the smell of the food, I thought about telling him what happened, but I didn't know if he'd believe me. So I played it off and put on the best act that I could possibly put on. It was until he started really enjoying my food that I started shifting around  nervously in my seat.

Am I really going to let Tre be killed, and who's to say I won't die next?, I thought to myself. Suddenly, as I was staring at Tre, I seen a shadow in the window and I reacted on instinct, knocking Tre to the floor screaming, "NO!".

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⏰ Última atualização: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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