I Love You- Jake

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This matter was really pressuring the poor guy, that he couldn't think straight.

Trying hard to formulate his words he keeps stutter.

He looks up and stared.

"Y/N, you are the most beautiful person I have ever encountered in life's journey and you have been there for me all the steps of the way and I am here know saying this to you as a bold man, I love you, I loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you and I will love you even when I am old and dead, I love you so much".

He sighs looking at himself in the mirror.

"How am I suppose to say this without even stuttering".

He slap himself in the face.

"Get your act together would ya" he shouts at himself.

"Jakie? Are you okay in there? You've been in there like forty five minutes now. I'm coming in".

Before he could protest you barge in.

"I heard talking were you with someone? Are you hiding someone in here Jake?".

"What of course not, where in this bathroom could I possibly hide someone".

There wasn't anywhere he could actual hide anyone.

"Okay so explain the talking and I know you are not on your phone because you left it with me".

Which is an bad idea.

He took a deep breath.

You looked at him confused.

"Y/N, there is no way in hell I can explain how I feel about you and I know we are taking it slow but as the days fly by I keep falling deeper and deeper in love with you, I didn't think it was possible for me to fallen in love but here I am totally and deeply in love with you, I love you Y/F/N Y/L/N and I will love you even when I am in my grave".

When he was finished you bawl your eyes out and hug him tightly afraid he might disappear.

You look up at him through you blurry eyes "I love you too Jackie"

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