Andy (imagine)

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You were walk down the halls of your new school and got all nervous you weren't watching where you were walking and bump into someone cause you both to fall.
You stood up and apologize immediately not wanted any trouble.
"Nah its okay I was the one not watching where I was going, there's no need to apologize".
He said with a grin plastered on his face, he look so adorable.
But raise you hand "okay since you are taking my blame I am hereby taking  my blame away from you so you won't have to face my consequences" you lift up you chin and smile.
He laugh and hand out his hand for you to shake "I'm Andy by the way" you shook his hand "y/n".
"Hey Andy......I was wondering if you could um show me where the office is since I am late for class and apparently new please" you sheepishly grin "if your not doing anything" you finished.
"I thought, well I'm not doing anything I'm actually on a free session now so I can yeah show you to the office and around since I was the one who is suppose to do that". He flash his invisible hair off his shoulder.
"What? Andy why didn't you tell me that" you punch him lightly on the arm.
"Where is the fun in that my friend" he laugh and lightly punch you arm back.

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