Science blindness- Andy

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Andy isn't your typical type of guy, he is a kid that believes that science is everything and that everything revolves around it.

But he was so blind by it that he try doing a experiment to see who is god and how was everything in the world  was created but his science blindness almost ended his life, if it wasn't for you he could've died.

He found himself in the hospital and asked one of the nurse how he got her.

"A very beautiful girl brought you here" the nurse lady said and check him seeing if he's okay.

When he was released he check at the reception area just to know the name of the girl.

"Y/N, this name sounds familiar" he stated to himself.

When he got back to school he started his search for you, until he found you in his science class.

"Y/N. I thank you for what you did".

"The pleasure is all mine Andy" you smiled warmly at him and right there he fell in love with you.

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