*Drama. Plain Drama.*

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A/N: Oh my fucking gods i am sooo sorry!!!! this is really late and all because I've had terrible writers block, and I didn't know what to do -_- and i spent a week in Canada in the beginning of August, I moved to Texas the day after i got back, I'm in a new school as a junior with college classes, and i also broke my tablet, And if you had read the small #FlyHighZach chapter, I've hardly been wanting to write the last couple days... so yeah, busy busy busy.... anyway, I'm done with the excuses, they're pointless, blah blah blah continue on beautiful peoples! hope you like this! :-)


Louis' POV

I'm sitting on the couch, watching Harry and Aaron in the living room, Aaron was about a year old, playing with some blocks and legos. I was happy, I had my fiance, my baby boy, and not a care in the world. I heard a knock from the front door and stood to answer. "I'll be right back, Hazza, I'm going to see who that is," I said, slightly confused seeing as we weren't expecting anyone.

Niall and Josh were busy with Alex and Anna, and Liam and Zayn were in Bradford with the kids so they could visit Zayn's family. Harry nodded, handing Aaron a green brick to put on top of the structure he had.

I opened the door and gasped. "D-Dad," I stuttered and he grinned sadistically at me. "Aren't you going to invite your dear old dad into the house so I can visit my grandson?" he asked and I shook my head. "Harry! Get Aaron and hide!" I yelled, slamming the door and trying to keep it closed as Mark tried to force it open.

Harry ran into the hallway with Aaron secured in his arms. "What, who is it?" he asked urgently and I gasped out, "D- Mark," as the door started slipping. Harry gasped and quickly ran down the hall and went into our bedroom. I struggled for a few more seconds until Mark finally forced the door open, causing me to stumble into the wall, hitting my shoulder rather harshly.

"Why would you keep your dad out?" Mark asked innocently, stepping closer. "I think you've forgotten the lessons I taught you. Maybe now's a good time for another lesson." I shook my head and summoned my elements. I was not his punching bag anymore. He swung his fist at me and managed to nick my jaw seeing as my elemental shield was still forming. I cried out as I fell, grabbing my jaw.

He kicked at my stomach, but my shield deflected him away from my stomach, but made him kick my thigh. "How do you do that," he said, frowning. I shook my head and he shrugged. "Oh well, I guess I'll go find my grandson and introduce myself. I'd love to meet him," he started moving away from me and I gasped, quickly standing and yelled, "No!" flinging my hands out and forcing Air and Spirit to form a barrier right in front of him.

He ran into it and it flung him backwards, causing him to hit the opposite wall. He growled and stood, walking towards me. "Will you stop that, you fucking piece of shit," he snarled, seeming to throw something at me. I gasped and fell to my knees as I felt fire hit me, this time not feeling friendly.

I lost concentration and the barrier broke down, letting him through. "Harry!" I screamed through the pain of fire burning me. "Run!" my arms were burning, you could see my skin turning red and blistered. I stood from where I was kneeling and concentrated on all five elements.

"Fire, you are under my control. you will not burn me anymore. Leave!" I snarled and fire suddenly vanished, leaving me gasping from the pain of my burns.

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