*Summer Solstice and a Surprise*

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A/N Hey ya'll how you guys doing? I really hope you guys are liking this, and plz give me some feedback? that way I know what you all like and if there's anything you might want changed...,. but anyway, enjoy the chapter! and I might do another time jump, cuz I am no good with small details during a pregnancy. anyway, enjoy! :-)

2 months later Louis' POV

I sighed as I rubbed my stomach. I was about 7 1/2 months along, and I usually felt fine, just a little swollen, but right now, I felt like absolute shite. I was tired, I was sore, my ankles were swollen and I was a bit crabby.

I was laying in my room in the dark with the Fray playing in the background on my iPod. I really didn't want to see anyone but Harry, and he was cooking dinner for all us boys. Perrie and Danielle were here, and Eleanor was coming soon, seeing as it was the Summer Solstice.

We were celebrating it like usual, but today all I really wanted to do was sleep. I loved everyone out there, but I really didn't want to deal with anyone today. Liam was the same way actually, and was in the room with me right now. "Li, I really don't want to see anyone right now," I muttered and Liam made a sound of agreement.

"How the hell does Niall have so much damn energy?" I asked. Niall was almost full term, his due date in about two weeks, but he was still running around figuratively and hardly sitting down. it irritated Josh to no end, but still.... Niall never listened.

"I honestly have no idea how the hell he can do it," Liam answered my previous question. "I'm eight months right now and I get exhausted easily." I sighed. "And he has twins, Niall must be freaking Superman," I said. he laughed a bit at that and I smiled.

i was still a bit grumpy, but i wasn't as mad as before. i was still tired and sore, but I was better. "A little over a month now, and I'll have my babies," Liam said randomly. I smiled as I rubbed my stomach. he had started kicking three days after I found out in was a boy, and now he never stopped.

"About a month and two weeks for me," I said. I smiled, I can see my baby boy in just over a month. "And Niall is in two weeks, maybe. how the hell can he still move around?" Liam muttered and I laughed. "Who knows," I said and I suddenly jumped as the door opened, revealing Harry and Zayn.

"Boo? El, Per and Dani want to see you," Harry said and I sighed. "I really don't want to move, but for them, I will. but I'm staying on the couch," I said, struggling to sit up. "Li? They want to see you too," Zayn said as Harry took my hand and helped me up. "Ugh, fine, but you'll have to help me up," he grumbled as I stood tiredly and leaned against Harry. I really dot not want to get up, but whatever.

As soon as Zayn had Liam standing and moving, he and Harry helped us two out to the living room. "Louis! Liam! omg, you guys look amazing!" Perrie screamed and hugged us as tightly as possible with our stomachs in the way. "Yeah, thanks for the lie, Per," I said, knowing I looked like shite.

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