"Gross! Alex you reek!" Bella fusses, pushing Alex's arm off her shoulders and frowning at him.

"Well it's not like I had gym last or anything." He retorts sarcastically causing Bella to huff.

"You are not getting in my car smelling like a sweaty skunk!" She crosses her arms across her chest and frowns.

Alex's drops his arm from my shoulder and steps towards Bella causing her to retreat by a step.

"What are you doing Alex?!" She shrieks as he wraps his arms around her and wipes his sweaty head on her.

"Alexxxxx! Stop it!!" She howls once again and Alex takes a step back.

A face-splitting grin spreads across his face and he places both hands on his hips, admiring his handiwork.

The pride is swept of his face immediately as Bella tackles him to the ground. The two of them bicker endlessly, and after a minute or so, I get fed up and break it up.

Alex still has a smirk on his face and Bella is still scowling at him.

"Now you can't get in you car either, smelling like -what was it you said... Ah! That's it, a sweaty skunk!" He chuckles.

She huffs once again and I can practically see the smoke coming out her nostrils and ears.

"Ahem!" I cough trying to divert their attention from clawing each others eyeballs out from their sockets (well Bella at least).

"Guess, were walking then?" I joke and Alex chuckles before slinging his arm over both our shoulders again.

We all walk to my apartment, and agree to Netflix and chill tonight, just like most Fridays.

As I go to unlock the door I hear faint murmurs from inside. I press my ear against the door but I can't quite make out what they're saying.

I gently turn the key and push the door open, attempting to make no noise.

I then tiptoe down to the kitchen to see papà sat opposite someone.

The other person is facing away from me but I can see that he is clothed in a striking black suit and has jet black hair, which is styled to perfection.
He carries an air of authority in his posture.

I continue to scrutinise the mans back, trying to figure out who he is when my father shifts his attention to me.

"Aletta! You remember your uncle Gio right?" He exclaims and the man turns to face me.

"U-uncle Gio?" I'm confused, I thought papa was an only child.

"Aletta, it's nice to see you again." The man smiles at me. He walks over to me and embraces me in a hug, which I'm forced to return.

"Your right Robbi. She has grown into a remarkable young lady." Gio says to papa.

"You were only this tall last time I saw you." He says while signalling a measurement about waist high.

"Zio?!" A surprised voice comes from behind.
I turn around to see Alex and Bella with their jaws on the floor.

"Alessandro, Isabella, what a pleasant surprise!" Gio says meanwhile the others just stand opening and closing their mouths like goldfish, unable to articulate a sentence.

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