Chapter 31

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Amy panicked. She had been training for months for a situation like this and now that she had to actually face it, she was too shocked to even do anything, especially with loads of passers-by. She felt like the last potato chip in the bag, completely powerless from the greasy fingers ready to grab her.

She tightened her hands around Jack, trying to make sure that no one could grab hold of him, too. Taking a deep breath as she saw the scared look in Giselle's eyes, Amy released her hold over Jack and walked towards Giselle and her captor.

She slipped a hand in her pocket, slowly pressing the emergency call button on her phone as she got closer to them.

"Don't get closer!" the man warned.

Amy halted. "Alright, what do you want?" she asked, although she was just stalling time until the Alpha arrived.

Amy knew that if she put her training to use, she would be able to save the Alpha Female but she won't be able to capture the Alpha Female's captor.

"What I want is something very simple," the man said. Amy looked around, the people were discreetly trying to call the police but Amy knew that the man would be gone far before police would even arrive.

"I want you to give your Alpha a message. Tell him, we are coming!"

Amy saw the cynical smile on the man's face and knew he was going to press the trigger. She could not afford to lose any more time waiting for backup. Without warning, she lunged at the man, pushing Giselle away towards her brother as she put her training to good use on the man.

Even though he was wounded and beaten up, the man still managed to run away quickly, vanishing from Amy's sight within a few seconds.

Amy didn't bother, she knew that running after him was of no use. After all, no matter how great her training was, she was only a human and she could not catch up with the werewolf's speed. Instead, she went to check up on Giselle and Jack.

"You guys alright?" she asked softly.

Giselle shakily nodded. "He almost exploded my brains. I was so scared!"

"I know! I was, too. I... Do you have any idea what he meant by they are coming?" Amy asked hesitantly.

"No, Zach doesn't really get me involved in pack matters so I really don't know. But, they are on their way here, right?"

Amy nodded. "I called them when that man took hold of you." She was so tempted to say 'put you under gunpoint' but she knew that instead of taking it as a joke, since the wound was too fresh, Giselle would get more scared.

Giselle gave a shaky smile, holding on to her brother's hand as how a ship held on to the rope binding it to the docks when the sea turned rough, for some sort of support.

Jack looked strangely normal, as though what happened didn't really affect him. In fact, he seemed as though he couldn't be bothered by his surroundings other than the ice cream he was munching on.

Amy took in a deep breath. She knew she was going to be in loads of trouble once the Alpha came. He was going to scream at her, blame her for not doing her job properly and then, scream again. She only hoped that she could stay calm through that ordeal and not get too affected by her Alpha's usual temper (and by affected, Amy meant getting angry and screaming back at him and getting herself a ticket to be kicked out of the pack).


Amy punched the bag, pain shooting up through her arm. She did not care less about it, her anger fueling her body to repeat the action again and again.

So what if she was not able to save the Alpha Female until the very last minute? It's not like she had been through such a situation before. She panicked and that was natural. That did not give Zach the right to yell at her as though everything was her fault.

In fact, he should have been thanking the stars that Amy reined her anger in throughout the conversation. If she had lost it, she may have done something to him that she would not have regretted (like boxing his ears, perhaps) even if it meant he could take her out of the pack.

Sarah pranced into the room, her thumbs doing a weird dance around each other, nervousness radiating from her body. Her eyes widened when she saw Amy, sweat pouring out of her and her hands curled into fists, which were bleeding and looked badly bruised.

"Woah! What are you doing? Are you crazy? Who uses the punching bag without wrapping their hands? Stop!" Sarah yelled.

Amy tiredly took a step away from the bag, almost falling down in the process. Her anger had not let her seen how tired she was and now that she had stopped, it was no surprise to know that she did not even have the energy to take another step.

"Careful, Amy. Just sit down while I get the first aid kit. Don't move, alright?" she said softly although the warning was clear in her voice.

Amy nodded, her head still reeling. She was definitely less angry now but instead, she was more upset. She didn't know why, but she just was.

As Sarah helped her wash away the blood on her hand and bandage it up, she was completely silent. She couldn't believe that she had gotten so angry about such a small thing. Sure, the Alpha was being unreasonable, but that was no new thing.

Amy knew that Zach had always been unreasonable. Now that she had calmed down, she knew that she had been acting completely out of character. Yet, it didn't take her long to figure out why.

As Sarah brought Amy back to her room, they found Giselle waiting at the door. Her mouth hung open at Amy's bandaged hands and she quickly moved out of the way so that Amy could go in.

"What happened?" she asked Sarah in a hushed voice although Amy could very well hear what she was saying as she sat on the bed, looking blankly at the wall in front of her.

"Later," Sarah whispered back.

"Okay. Amy, I'll talk to you later, okay? Got to ask you something," Giselle said.

Amy nodded, before laying down on the bed, a silent indication that everyone should leave her room. They got the message and within seconds, they were out of the room, closing the door behind them.

Amy waited for a few minutes. Once she was sure that no one was waiting outside the doors, she burst into tears.

Well, I posted earlier than expected!!! Woohooo!! I know this chapter (at least the ending) might be a little confusing but it'll all be cleared up in the next chapter!!

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(P.S. Go and check out the Instagram page I made for The Shy Beta!! It's called "shy_is_me_name"!! I hope you guys liked it!!!)

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