Chapter 1

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Chapter one

Jugheads POV (jughead betty)

God, I love her. her smile, her laugh, just all of her. I think to myself while I watch my Juliet sleep, she was sleeping in one of my 'S' tops. to be fair she never sleeps in anything else but one of my tops. I look over the clock and it's 05:29 and as if on queue, Betty wakes up and runs to the bathroom, she runs in and starts puking her guts up, I run in after her and hold her hair back as I rub her back. "jug...go back to bed you shouldn't have to see this" "hey, I love you betty cooper, no matter what. I promised you id be there for you, no matter what" "even with my head in the toilet?" "even with your head in the toilet" once she's done, I get her cleaned up and walk her back to bed. as we're getting into bed I say "Betty why don't you go the hospital? this is the 8th time of a tow you've thrown up this week" "I know jughead b-but I cant go there. t-the last time I was there c-chic and m-my d-dad..." I can see her eyes starting to water "I know baby, I know. it was when they went too far and you nearly didn't make it. its okay now your dads in prison and no ones seen chic in weeks. you'll be fine and ill be with you the whole time, okay?" "okay" "betty?" "yes juggie" "I love you, so so much" "I love you too". we go back to sleep for a few hours before I have to get up and go to work at the bar. kiss her on the lips before I go softly as to not wake her.

Bettys POV

it was about 11:30 when I woke up, I decided to take bath and try to relax. I was in there for about an hour, once I got out and got dyed. I put on some black jeans, a black top and of course of my white serpent jacket. when Jughead asked me to be his queen I couldn't have been happier, after everything we've both been though, with the serpents, my dad, it felt right. because im the queen of the serpents my jacket is white but I do also have my black one, well not mine technically, it was jugheads, before he got his dads when FP died. Jughead gave it to me as sort of a promise. a promise that no matter where we are, whats going on, he will always love me and protect me. and after what happened with our parents, well the night that FP and my mum Alice were moving to England, the trailer caught on fire and FP thought my mum was in there and my mum thought FP was in there but before any of us could stop them they both ran into the trailer. once the fire was out me and jug went to look for them, and we found them. my mum lying in FPs arms with him holding her protectingly on the bed. it was clear that they both knew that they weren't getting out alive so they decided to go in each other's arms. the death certificate said that they died from the smoke and fumes mixed together, so they wouldn't have been in any pain. they'd only been married a few years and ive never seen my mum happier, she belonged with FP and I know Jughead would say the same.

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when the door slammed open, at first i thought it was Jughead but then i heard him. the person that beat me alongside my dad, my own brother...chic.

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