Chapter 7

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The look a guy gives you when you know he's about to kiss you. The look that is a perfect blend between sexy and adorable. The look that makes your heart flutter, and your lips tremble.

Clarke noticed my dreamy eyes gaze at her own, and noticed them slowly lower and fix on her lips. She noticed me quickly glance back up, in hope of recovering from giving anything away. The look of vulnerability. As hard as I try  to keep my eyes off her lips, I can't, which fully exposes how I am feeling and what I am planning to do. I slowly start to glance up and down , eyes to lips, and doing so I can't help but slowly and patiently fall closer and closer to her. I take my time because I  know I only have one chance to make it right. Right before I reach her lips I stop, as if there was any chance of turning back now. I stop, maybe wait to see if she makes the final move, asking for her approval. And she gave it to me by planting her lips right on mine, it was the perfect kiss.

When I kissed her, my princess, it felt like a flood in my heart. Flood of emotion. Flood of passion. I kissed her and it felt like it was my last change of expressing my love for her. I had to pour all my affection in this one first kiss. With each second I want to kiss her more. With each second I felt my love for her increase more.

There is nothing quite like a first really good first kiss between people. You can feel it through your entire body.

Her lips were so soft, there was the right amount of pressure, and she smelled insanely good. My hands mover from her cheeks to her back and her head. With this movement I pulled her closer to me, leaving no air between our bodies. She was sitting on my lap, with her legs crossed behind me back, kissing me like she was out of breath and needed mine.

With all my strength I pulled away, when I opened my eyes I saw her reaching for more. I smirked this girl would be the death of me. She was the whole package: funny, smart, beautiful, selfless and a lot more. I looked into her eyes what were calling hunger, she had a hunger for me. My eyes locked with hers, my look softened but she was the first to speak up. "Wow." She beamed. She was right 'wow' was the best word you could've used for this strange occasion. "Yes wow." She smiles my way with her arms around my neck. "I waited so long for you to do that." She confesses.

The car ride to her home wasn't long, it was a pleasant ride. Clarke kept looking my way what kept me smiling the entire journey, she was something. She was something I couldn't figure out, there was to much hidden under her mask but I was determined to find out, even if it's costed me an eternity. My hand slipped to her upper leg and gave a reassuring squeeze. She scooped my hand in hers and laid them back where they were. The air around us was filled with romance, romance that I was enjoying.


People who are in love say that a porch, in front of a house, is made for late night kisses. And I had to say that they were right. I dropped Clarke off at her house. Like the gentleman I was I walked her to the door. Standing in front of each other made me realize this was the girl I would spend my life with. It may sound like I have no idea what I'm talking about, it sounds like what I'm saying is rushed. But I can reassure you that it's all not true. She was the one. The way the light catches her blond hair, the smile she gives you when you're a dork, how her eyes lit up when she's talking about something passionate and the feeling she gives you when she can hear you when you're saying nothing. She is the only person who I would gave excess to my deepest secrets and darkest piece of my soul.

I heard a light chuckle in front of me what got me out of my trance. "Bellamy stop looking at me like that." I smirked and laid my hands on her hips and pulled her closer to me. I whispers close to her ear. "How do I look at you princess." Clarke gasped at air on the way I spoke my words. "Like I am to most beautiful girl on the planet, when I'm not." I pushed Clarke a little further away from my body. I looked her into her eyes and said: "but there is where you're wrong princess, you are the most beautiful girl." With the words leaving my mouth I pulled her yet again close to me pulled my arms around her and locked my lips with hers. She returned the kiss by throwing her arms around my neck and pulling us closer.  She unlocks from me and takes a step backwards. "I should go now." She says with a sigh. I see her open the door and walk into her house, after saying goodbye. I step into my car again and drive home.


I was glowing from the event with Clarke. I needed to get my act together otherwise Octavia would find out. We agreed, Clarke and I, that we wouldn't tell Octavia until we are sure of what we are, and when we know Octavia is ready for the truth. I unlocked our front door and stepped into the house. O's head popped up from out the living room. "Where were you off too?" I tried to suppress a smile I almost succeeded. "Nothing much." I shrugged her question off me. The water runs into my glass what I got when I went to get a drink. Octavia follows me into the kitchen. She leans with her elbows on the table. "Okay if you say so." She says, with an hidden smirk.

Octavia knows me too well. She figures me out without me saying a word. It looked like she saw right through me, she always did. I was to vulnerable with her, she was always my vulnerability. But after that magical evening with Clarke I wasn't so sure about that anymore.

Hey guys end of chapter. Sorry that it took so long to update I had no inspiration at all. I still hope you like it. If you do leave a like l, share and comment thank you;)
Insta: Bellvrkee

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