the forbidden journal || jensoo

Start from the beginning

"Absolutely not!" The girl replies, "It's your birthday. You know, I'm not even supposed to tell you this, but none of us ended up paying for it anyways."

"What do you mean?" Jennie asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Jisoo paid for everything," the girl admits, "I mean, I called her just to ask what your favorite kind of cake was, but she helped me pick everything out and took care of it all. She said she wanted you to have the perfect birthday."

"Seriously? She did all of that?"

"Yeah, she did. And I told her she should come, but she said something about how it was against the rules, whatever that means. She said she wanted you to have time with your friends," Irene nods.

Jennie pouts before flipping through the contacts of her phone, "I'm calling her, screw the rules."

There's a crash from the kitchen, and Irene looks over to see Wendy falling off of her chair and onto the floor.

"Okay, friend down. I'm gonna go help her, she's always the first to get sloppy. Say goodbye before you try to run off with Jisoo, okay?"

Jennie nods and flashes her older friend a thumbs up as she waits for Jisoo to pick up her call.

"Irene told you didn't she?" Jisoo's voice echoes from the speaker of the iPhone seconds later.

"You didn't have to do any of that. But I'm glad you did," Jennie slurs slightly, realizing it's definitely time for her to go home.

"I'm glad you had fun. You shouldn't be talking to me until Thursday though, remember?"

"I don't care. Come pick me up."

"Doesn't Irene have like, sixteen bedrooms for you to chose from?" Jisoo replies playfully.

"I don't care," Jennie whines, "It's my birthday and I want to see you. I want you to pick me up and take me home."

"I wouldn't consider our hotel 'home' you know," Jisoo chuckles, "But I guess you're right. Anything for the birthday girl. I'll be there in about a half an hour, okay?"

Jennie smiles, "Okay. See you soon."

As she's waiting for Jisoo, she decides Irene was right about it being the perfect birthday.


Jisoo and Chaeyoung's favorite part about being in London is that they can legally drink. Jennie's favorite part is that the hotel sheets are the same shade of white that they are back in the Korea.

She still goes out with them though. She sips on the same vodka soda the entire night and talks excitedly with the boys from another group that met them there, just like she's expected to. She watches one of them hang all over Jisoo and she watches Jisoo do nothing to dissuade him. Things like this don't hurt nearly as much as they used to since Jennie has gotten used to seeing Jisoo with other people. She's almost comfortable with it now. Almost. She still has a moderately good time.

Jisoo stumbles back to their room with her at the end of the night though, which is something that actually surprises her.

"Why are you not nearly as drunk as I am?" the older girl slurs out, while she launches her heels across the tiny room.

Jennie smirks, "Because I'm the boring one, remember?"

Jisoo walks across the room, stopping in front of the younger girl, and turns so that her back is facing her. She carefully scoops her hair over her shoulder, and Jennie takes this as a cue to help unzip the dress, which Jisoo promptly steps out of.

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