Chapter 14

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Well f*ck. That's an armed bomb now.

Congrats Mr. Min, you're sitting on a pressure bomb.

"Jimin! Tae! Get the f*ck in here!" I screeched as I tried to get a look at the bomb without moving too much.

The two skidded to a stop, nearly tumbling over each other in their rushed state to assist me.

"What happened?!" The two whispered angrily as they drew their weapons and began looking around for a problem.

"So, funny story, there's an armed bomb in here...and I'm sitting on it...."

"F*ck," they breathed as they lowered their shimmering weapons which had obviously just been cleaned.

Taehyung stood there in acute shock as Jimin crept over to me and began looking at the bottom of the chair to try and find out anything he could about the bomb.  Jimin grabbed a hair tie and tied up his bright orange bangs so he could see without interruptions.

Taehyung and I remained frozen as Jimin helplessly looked at the bomb thoroughly.

"You know, if Ji,"— I cut Taehyung off instantly after realizing where he was going with his comment.

"Don't even go there right now Tae."

"Look, I'm sorry Yoongi-hyung, but if he was here we would all be a little bit less tense," Taehyung finished speaking and crossed his arms before trudging a step backwards.

"A little bit less tense?! I'm sitting on an armed bomb, Taehyung, I'm pretty sure I'd be tense either way, don't you think?!" I screamed at the younger while remaining still so as to not trigger anything from the bomb.

"Easy, you two! This is not the time to be arguing," Taehyung marched out after hearing Jimin's words.

"Hyung this looks like a pressure plate bomb. The second you move your weight or remove any weight it will go off immediately."

It was hard to take Jimin seriously with his bangs tied up and looking like a two year old girl, but considering the circumstances I managed to not laugh in his unsuspecting face.

"What does that mean for us?"

A half-hearted sigh escaped Jimin's pouty lips, "That means we're f*cked if I can't disable it."

Jimin's POV

My eyes raked across the wires that wrapped around and through the piping as if they clung for their lives. The mere sight of the color coded bands was baffling, let alone actually knowing what power was truly inside the misleadingly bright colors. The greens and blues and yellows all seemed to flow with the same electricity that moved inside the wires. There was not a single red wire in sight.

My hands spun the chair slightly to try and get a better view but all I saw was more of the same colors interwoven with themselves.

How could any of this have happened? And how was the timing so perfect?

We lost our boss, our sniper, and our bomb expert right before a bomb was planted. We now have no one to lead us, no one to deactivate the bomb, and no one who would've seen this ahead of time. This is all too convenient to be a random thing.

"Wow," Yoongi breathed from above me, "life is one hell of a thing to happen to someone."

"Hyung?" I asked as I lifted my head to look at Yoongi.

He looked so helpless sitting in this pathetic swivel chair; hands gripping the arm rests and head tilted back, a single tear sliding effortlessly down his pale face that somehow seemed paler from this angle.

"Don't talk like that; I'll get you out of this or we both die together."

Yoongi finally made eye contact with me and I wanted to cry. Seeing someone so strong and stubborn look so broken and weak was something no one should ever have to see.

His dark eyes billowing with a fire burning with untold emotions. His dark hair spilling effortlessly to cover part of his eyes, making him look even more terrifying.

I don't know who did this, but if we survive, Yoongi is going to tear them apart piece by piece.

"Hyung I found a red wire."

"Are there any other red wires?" Yoongi asked as he rotated slightly, trying to see better.

"No but this could also be the trigger since it's the only one."

An exasperated sigh escaped Yoongi's pouty lips, "well since we know nothing about bombs and they always cut the red wire in movies and shows...f*ck it, just cut it Jimin."

My hands tensed at the words, grabbing a set of pliers from Yoongi's work bench, I tried to calm myself before acting on a life or death decision.

We might as well have left the choice up to a flip of a coin.

Tails we live.

Heads we die.

YuNa's POV

Hey look a lucky penny!! Heads up too, even better!

I leaned down from the motorcycle to pick up the sparkling coin, but before my fingers even brushed the copper edges, there was an earth shaking explosion less than 300 yards ahead of me.

My eyes wandered down the street towards the cement building to see exactly what I'd been waiting for. Finally, I am free of those seven wretched assassins that ruined my life.

Kicking the bike into gear, I pondered everything that had happened. I lost my sanity and almost lost my life multiple times trying to catch those seven annoying little boys who decided to play a grownups game. I'll admit they played well, but they never went for the win; they got too sidetracked in not screwing over the other six.

Glancing up at the sky, my eyes wandered across the new ash cloud that began to form in the atmosphere. It's thickening grey color seemed to drain the life out of the once blue sky.

My motorcycle slid easily from the dirt road to asphalt once reaching the city limits. I cruised effortlessly between buildings and down streets.

I was just a little girl waiting for my happy ending and to be carried away into the sunset by my prince. I guess I can settle for killing them and riding a motorcycle under an ash cloud.

Black chunks of ash began falling from the sky as the grey cloud deemed itself too heavy and decided to lighten its load. I looked up and smiled as I realized that each piece of ash that fell had a life as something else, and I took that away too when I took away the lives of the people who ruined me. They ruined me and I returned the favor to all seven of them.

Some say revenge is sweet; others say it's best served cold. I say it's best red hot and burningly bitter as it devours those who have wronged you. My soul was now alight with the fire that engulfed the last four that remained. I didn't expect it to be over so soon, though, I thought they would've put up more of a fight. Jungkook especially I didn't think would go down this easily.

Speeding up my bike to race the ash cloud through the city, I laughed hysterically at the fact that I'd won.

Oh Jungkook, I told you I'd get you all in the end.

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