Chapter 5

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Yoongi's POV

Memories are the best form of torture. I don't think I've ever heard a more accurate and painful statement.

Her memory haunts me to this day.
What could I have done differently?
Why didn't she tell me she felt that way?

If only I had been there. If only I hadn't rain checked, she might still be alive.

We had dated for two years.

I was planning to propose in a month...

and I f*cking rain checked our date because I wanted to help Jimin with a heist.

She was never super secretive, she had her life together. I was the one always messing up and wrecking it all, but she took it all with a smile.

Lee YuNa was my everything. She was my sanity in my hectic world that I kept a secret from her.

"Yoongi hyung, she's waking up, do you want to stay for this or no?" Hoseok's voice ripped me from my thoughts.

"Uh, I'll be in the genius lab. Thanks for the heads up though."

Nana's POV

These pieces of crap need to stop knocking me out, I'm getting really tired of it.

I slowly raised my head to see a man with a horse mask on sitting a few feet in front of me, staring directly into my eyes.


"Kang Nana you-"

"Take off your mask when you speak to me," I demanded sternly.

I was done with this sh*t.

The man hesitated before slowly taking off his horse mask. His shaggy hair fell and bounced lazily into his eyes.

Well d*mn.

He cute.

I mean. No one's here, but dibs.

"Much better," I smirked and studied his face before giving him a full blown smile, making my eyes disappear," Hi Hoseok."

Yoongi's POV

Who the f*ck?
How the f*ck?
What the actual f*ck?


"How do you know me?" Hoseok asked with confidence.

"Well first of all, it's sewn into the collar of your shirt in the back. Secondly, don't you think I've done my research on Jungkook and everyone he's come into contact with?"

She's smart. She has great eyesight. She's familiar.

"Oh, I thought you knew me some other way. You look familiar."

"Yeah that's kind of the point, I have to blend in well to get close, now don't I?"

The sound of metal sliding made me cringe as Hoseok moved his chair.

"Well what do you do now? You're tied up in a warehouse with criminals and one of them is staring you down. Do you try to escape again or do you endure the pain of interrogations in hope of someone else saving your *ss?"

Hoseok's POV

I think it's working!

She is panicking, I can see it in her eyes despite her calm face as she leaned forwards on her binds.

"That's so cute. You think you're scary. I'm here to tell you right now, Jung HoSeok, I've seen scary...and you don't have his smile," Nana flashed me a satanic grin as she leaned back in her chair.

"So come on. Bring him out, I want to talk to him."


"Jungkook! You're needed," I yelled as I left the main room and entered my studio sized room.

Nana's POV

Sunshine walked out of where I was and a door behind me opened.

I cranked my neck to try and see who it was but soon gave up as I saw a black form moving in front of me.

"Kang NaNa, you requested me?" Jungkook hissed from behind the protection of his cracked bunny mask.

"Can you blame me? You are the reason I'm here," I bit back.

"Fair point. So what do you want?"

"I want you to crawl back into whatever level of hell you came from and leave me alone. If you kill one more person, I swear to god I'll be the last thing you ever see," I was livid as I spat my acidic words at his face.

"I assume I deserve this, but can you tell me why you want me dead this time?" the b*stard said ever-so-calmly.

"You know exactly why, Jeon Jungkook! You made my life a living hell in less than a month! You deserve to die for everything you've done to me!" I felt my hands shaking behind my back in their plastic bonds.

"Why are your hands purple?" Jungkook changed the subject swiftly, but still calmly.

"Maybe because you put those f*cking zip ties on too godd*mned tight!!" I snapped.

I couldn't help it. He's so annoyingly smooth and calm about everything that happens. Whether good or bad, he keeps his calm even when he has the time and space to lose his sh*t.

There was a long pause of silence where the only audible sound was my panting from being so livid that I shook in my chair.

"Well, Miss Kang, I have somewhere to be. Oh, wait. I just realized that. Miss Kang. No man? No unwitting human to marry? No one? What a shame."

The b*stard's timberlands clicked against the cement floors of the warehouse.

"Where do you have to be in such a rush? Have a date? Perhaps I should warn her," oh if only I had time to date.

"I am either on my way to get ice cream or to commit a horrible, godforsaken crime for which you will end up paying for later on once your superiors realize you were in my presence but didn't catch me. Suga will be watching you while I'm away."

Jungkook turned away with a smirk that I could only see on one side through the cracks in his mask.

I turned back to see the turtle man sitting in Jungkook's vacant seat.

"Min Yoongi, you really do look like a turtle."

"Ok my name is not on this shirt. How do you keep doing this?" Yoongi sounded shocked, but his turtle mask hid it well.

"I do my research."

A/N: imma make my bail now✌🏻 hope everyone's summer started off good

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