Chapter 13

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Yoongi's POV

I swung the door of the cab open after paying and looked at the warehouse. It doesn't look any different, but it feels empty without Jin, Namjoon, and Hobi.  They feel world's away even though they're buried around the back in shallow graves with their names written in the dusty ground with a stick we had found nearby.

We plan to burn the bodies soon but we don't have the preparations ready yet, so their shallow burials will have to work for now.

With a depressed sigh, I stride into the building that no longer felt like a home. Jimin and Tae were sitting in the main room on their phones with weapons scattered around them.

I guess it's spring cleaning time or something.

"Where's Kook?" I asked while I ran my hands through my hair as I passed them.

"He went out for food since none of us can cook without using gunpowder instead of pepper," Taehyung said as he grabbed the rifle propped against his leather clad knee and began taking it apart.

"Good point. Any luck with the burial preparations?" I directed my question towards Jimin.

"Yeah, we found some mahogany boxes for their ashes but we couldn't find anywhere to burn them," Jimin muttered as he laid back and messed his hair, a common habit for him when he was stressed.

"Why don't we just burn them in here once we get it all cleaned out after moving locations? We burn them in here, grab the ashes and go and never come back."

"The smoke would be to noticeable, the last thing we need is the fire department showing up to see us burning bodies," Jimin reasoned with Tae.

"Then shut all the doors and windows so no smoke gets out," Taehyung fought back to protect his idea.

"Then we die from inhaling too much smoke. Regardless, let's focus on the main problem, we're three people down. None of us can cook to save our lives and if we tried then we'd all end up killing ourselves. Tae is the new sniper so he needs to practice more and work on his eyesight. We're all going to have to work a lot harder than we're used to and take two jobs. We can get through this if we pay attention and don't do anything stupid."

The two sat in silence listening to my mini lecture and nodding as it was appropriate. The door swung open and Jungkook joined us on the floor as he passed out the chicken.

"Wheres YuNa?" Jungkook's doe eyes scanned around the warehouse, piercing everything that looked like she could hide in or behind.

"She needed a minute alone. That guy she mauled really shook her up," I muttered as I shoved more chicken in my mouth and chewed happily.

"What did she mean when she said he knew about one of her clients?" Jimin asked with his curiosity peaked.

"His daughter had asked her to kill him since he abused her. He found out and killed her."

"Why did that bother her? People die all the time that's e come into contact with, kids, women, men; it's a part of our lives," Taehyung wonders aloud to the group.

"Well I mean she was forced to lose her own child and now she sees a child who is being abused and then killed. I guess she relates on a certain level and sees the man that killed his daughter like the man that killed her child."

"Who killed her kid?!" Jimin screamed as he leapt to his feet.

Tae and I both pointed to Jungkook as he raised his hand half-heartedly.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that," Jimin muttered as he moved to sit down. "You b*stard," He shrieked as he vaulted himself at Jungkook who easily ducked down and dodged his friend's attack.

Jimin tucked in on himself and rolled before popping back to his feet before walking calmly back to sit in his previous spot.

"What was that for? You already knew about this," Jungkook said as he eyed his hyung nervously.

"Spur of the moment type of thing."

We all shrugged it off and finished eating soon after. Jungkook had a meeting with a buyer so he left soon after the food was gone.

We all wandered back to our separate rooms. As I passed Namjoon's door, I couldn't help but wonder if he was already in his next life or maybe wandering his office as a ghost and reviewing our future plans, checking and scrutinizing our plots.

Another depressed sigh graced my lips as I opened the door to the genius lab to reveal yet another lonely room.

Where the hell is YuNa? I left her four hours ago.

I sat on our shared bed and inhaled our mixing scents on the pillows. I wondered about where she was and what she was doing.

God I'm getting clingy.

I wished she was here for me to hold in my arms and protect from the raging storms of this world. I couldn't protect her when she needed me most and someone tore something we made together away from her and ultimately away from me as well.

Why does she stay? After everything we've been through, and she's gone through alone because of my absence, she still stays.

Reluctantly, I sat up from my bed and rubbed my face before moving towards my desk. I grabbed my desk chair and pulled it out, but the wheel caught something and I had to jerk it a little to move it more efficiently.

Clicking on my keyboard to wake up my computer, I sat in the chair with a regretful flop to begin working.

I froze.

Not because of the happy picture of YuNa and I that was programmed as my screensaver, but rather the subtle metallic clicking sound I heard as I put my weight on my chair.

The metallic sound sounded familiar as I raked my brain, unmoving, in search of the sound in my memories.

Finding the fateful memory, I realized what the sound was.

It was the disturbingly subtle metallic click of a bomb arming itself.

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