Chapter 7

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Jungkook's POV

It's been a week.

A week of her snarky comments.

A week of her screaming her head off for no reason other than to p*ss us off (which worked 100%).

A week of no one coming to look for her.

A week of interrogations.

A week of her trying to escape with subtlety.

A week of someone sassing us and every move we make. Someone will leave the warehouse and she'll have something to say. Just sneezed? Oh don't worry she's got that covered too.

Nothing is working. Interrogations have turned out useless. She's bleeding like a real b*tch because of it, too.

She's almost escaped about four times. One time I'm pretty sure she broke Jimin hyung's face. The other time, she almost broke my jaw.

"What are you so afraid of?" I asked once I noticed the face Yoongi was making while he paced around my office.



"Her!" Yoongi said in a deep voice as he threw open the door and pointed at Nana's form which faced away.

"She's a liar. She plays games with all her tricks. Everyone falls into her trap," I muttered as I watched Yoongi pace again.

"I can hear you *sshole," Nana screeched with a hiss.

"You were supposed to!! Hey," I rose from me seat and trudged over to her before squatting down, "you're awfully well behaved today. What did you do?"

"Watch it h*e, you're one insult away from being nailed in the face," her eyes narrowed at me.

"Oh yeah? What's wrong with you? Is it that time of th-" a foot was the last thing I saw before I hit the cement.

How the f*ck did her foot get loose?!

I sat up to see Yoongi restraining her in her chair.

"Are you sure I can't punch him in the face?" Nana whispered angrily at Yoongi with a heavy glare.


"Come on, what if I just break his nose a little bit?" she said as she leaned forward to try and intimidate him.


"Ugh. Always so monotone," she muttered as she shook him off.

"And you so predictable," he hissed back as he trudged back into his genius lab.

I didn't take my eyes off of Nana while she spoke, "I ought to kill you for what you've put me through."

"What makes you think you're life is worth more than mine?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What makes you think your life is worth anything at all?" Nana fired back with a heightened ego.

"I hate you so much right now."

Fake shock filled her face as she scoffed, "I can't imagine why; I'm lovely. I'm a real sweetheart and a real smart*ss. It's a package deal."

"Women shouldn't curse," I muttered as I walked towards my office.

"Oh yeah? Well f*ck you in your third ball."

I marched back into her eyesight and shook with rage, "Who gave you the right t-"

She cut me off swiftly and calmly, "The South Korean government. If you ran like your mouth, you'd be in great shape."

I calmly lifted my shirt to reveal my abs, "What was that?"

She gulped before regaining eye contact and remaining silent. Eerie silence filled the warehouse. You couldn't hear any of the other six, wherever they were.

"Holy sh*t she's quiet," Taehyung said as he and Jimin came through the front door a few minutes later.

"Sh*t, Kook, what happened?" Jimin asked as he point to my face.

"She did," I nodded towards Nana.

"I didn't do that! Oh wait yeah. Yes I did do that."

"Where's Yoongi? He's always fun to mess with," Nana muttered as she craned her neck to look around, the chair creaking with her motions.

"None of your business, Kang," Jimin snapped back with venom in his voice.

"Oh, aggressive. I like it, but you don't seem to realize that I'll get you in the end."

"Oh yeah?" Taehyung mocked her.

"Yeah. You're all highly codependent and all I have to do is take out one person before you all crumble with him; it's irreducible complexity and I will use it to my advantage," Nana said with aggression and determination etched into her voice.

Yoongi walked lazily back into the room as soon as Nana stopped talking.

"-and it won't take much to do so. I will get you Jungkook." Nana finished with a final glare at me as I walked away.

Everyone dispersed except Yoongi and Nana who stayed in the main room.

Yoongi's POV

I keep thinking about her, so I went out to the main room to play the piano.

I played her favorite. My fingers danced across the keys as my mind wandered back to when she was still around.

Soft sniffing brought me out of my musical trance. I stopped playing and turned around to see Nana with her head leaned back, eyes closed, and tears sweeping down her face.


"How did you remember her favorite song?" Nana asked through the tears leaking onto her shirt.

"I was told not to forget, so I didn't allow myself to," I replied back with a stone face.

"That's beautiful. I love it."

I played it again, and again, and again until my hands began to hurt from stroking the keys repeatedly.

I left the main room and went to go sleep on the couch in my genius lab.

Drifting off to sleep I allowed my mind to wander back to her and I felt a tear stream silently down my face and onto my pillow.

Memories are the best form of torture, but curiosity is a close second.

I shot awake and looked at the clock. 03:26.

I threw open the door to the genius lab and ran out to Nana, throwing my torso onto her. She shot awake and began thrashing.

I grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look at me. In my morning voice I hissed at her, "How did you know that was her favorite song?!"

Silence filled the main room.

Silence filled the warehouse.

My mind screamed questions.

She whispered a vague response,
"I've missed you babe."

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