Chapter 10

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YuNa's POV

I awoke to a dark room illuminated with deep red lights. The haunting color clawed itself across every surface while casting demonic shadows where it couldn't reach.

The man by my side slept heavily and completely unaware of the dreadfully alarming new color scheme of his genius lab. I shook him silently and got no reaction in return. My small hands pounded mercilessly against his stone chest only to receive the same payment.

Sighing quietly, I inched over to his computer and tapped one key on the keyboard. Before I even picked my finger up to release the key, I had a gun trained on my face and a murderous gaze locked with my own.

"Jesus Christ YuNa what the hell were you thinking?"


"Hey you gave me a boner last night in front of all the guys so don't you ignore me."

"Lights," I muttered back; my small feminine voice somehow dominating his own as they echoed quietly around the room.

Yoongi seemed to finally take in the fact that his room was aglow with the bloody color as he looked around cautiously.

"Someone's here," he growled with his harsh voice slicing through the air like a dagger.

"No sh*t Sherlock," Jungkook's voice whispered from the other side of Yoongi's door.

I cautiously grabbed a knife from Yoongi's desk and opened the door to see all of the boys gathered in the main room with their weapons draw and murderous eyes scanning every inch.

Namjoon and Jin stood closest to the front door with Hoseok and Jimin right behind them. Jungkook and Taehyung stood together behind Hoseok and Jimin with their backs to them. The entire warehouse was alight with the harsh primary color. Someone had gotten in... but they weren't in the main room, nor any of the smaller rooms occupied by horrifying the boys.

My heart hammered away in my chest as Yoongi and I joined the others in their defensive formation, ready to attack and kill in any direction given. Yoongi moved to stand between Hoseok and Jin while I remained by Jungkook and Jimin. Their metaphorical springs poised and ready to pounce on anything that moves.

My heart rate never slowed, my adrenaline pulsed through my veins with every shaky breath I took. I felt my senses heighten in the eerie silence, the only audible sound was my own heart and breathing.

My eyes graced across everyone that stood with me and ready to defend with our lives what we'd died for hundreds of times. Even if we die right here, right now, even if we can't bend heaven and make it out alive, we'll sure as f*ck raise hell. Honestly, as I look at the horrific men standing by my sides, I realized that whatever doesn't kill every last one of us better run for it's miserable life.

My eyes landed on Jungkook and hesitated, resting my gaze there for a few seconds. Jungkook caught this action and locked eyes with me before nodding in reassurance. We got this.

I looked back at Yoongi to find him already looking at me. His eyes dig deep into my soul as he looked at me like there was something in me worth looking at. Our heated eye contact held for a solid thirty seconds before a quiet, almost inaudible, muffled sound came from Yoongi's room. It was faint and calm, like the thigh section of jeans rubbing together while you take a hesitant step.

They were in there with us.

Yoongi's POV

YuNa's head snapped towards my private room and I knew she'd heard something. Despite looking overly average, she was far from it. Her hearing and eyesight is astounding; and that's saying something considering the career field she's in.

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