Chapter 6

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Yoongi's POV

I felt my head dip quickly to the side and I sprung awake. Nana sat in front of me, still tied up, with eyebrows raised and a disapproving look. Did she steal my gun? What day is it?

"Morning grandpa, how'd you sleep?" she mocked me.

"I had a dream I kissed you. Why did I have a dream where I f*cking kissed you?!" my voice cracked as I asked and got out of my chair.

"Are you scared? I can see the panic in your eyes, what's gotten you so scared?" Nana seemed to be loving this.

"I'm fine," I said as I straightened my shirt and checked to make sure my gun with still in it's holster.

"Well you don't look fine."

"Then stop looking," I can't stand her.

"Why don't you want me looking? Too manly to be seen vulnerable?"

I know what she's doing. She's trying to get me upset and get me to snap.

"Watch it! This turtle bites," with zero hesitation, the barrel of my 9 millimeter was an inch away from her forehead while she gave me the most sinfully calm look.

"Do it. This has happened more times than I can count. Put me out of my misery. Come on you godd*mn turtle," Nana hissed ya me as she shook her hair out of her face and rested her forehead against the barrel.

Holy sh*t. This chic is crazy.

"You're insane."

"Oh just wait. You don't know sh*t yet," she smirked and eyed the barrel of the gun again.

"Oh actually I do. She's right in front of me," I eyed her darkly but she merely smiled back at me.

"I love it when people insult me, it means I don't have to be nice anymore," with that, she stripped away all of my arrogance for a mere second...well; my arrogance and my gun.

Before I knew it, this beast of a woman has disarmed me and now I was at gun point.

"Sit the f*ck down, Min YoonGi," she snarled and motioned for me to sit.

"It takes a special kind of sick and sadistic to do what you do," she glared at me while she spoke.

"Oh please, you do it too."

"Not the killing, Mr. Min. Not that, I actually respect that. It takes someone truly narcissistic and manipulative to convince six other assassins that you have what it takes to run with the big boys."

"Well if you can run with them then how hard can it really be?" I snapped back.

"Watch it Min. I could have your brains all over that back wall and show it to her, and you can't do a thing about it."

Kang Nana has officially lost her mind. She is pacing around and waving a gun like it's some toy. She's ranting about how much power she has over me just because of some "her".

"Hold on," I interrupted her mid-screech, "who is this 'her' and 'she' you keep referring to?"

"The girl who gave you that piano, you dumb*ss!"

"She's dead though," I said, looking her fully in the eye to gauge her reaction.


She seemed to sober up at this.

She's something different...something truly, and utterly savage.

"Come on Nana, lets put down the gun and handle this like civilized people," I said, trying to sway her judgement.

"How about no," she said in a teasing tone as she shifted her weight.

"Yoongi hyung! Hoseok wants you t- oh sh*t!!"

Jimin walked through the front door and almost fell trying to double over on himself and get to cover.

"Jimin where the f*ck have you been?!" I screamed at him without looking away from Nana.

"Riding llamas in neverland, where the hell do you think I was?!"

Well, I mean that would've explained his height.

"This is really cute, honestly touching, but I'm still waiting for the one person I actually need to shoot in the face. Jimin, would you be a sweet little short boy and go get Jungkook for me?"

"Hey b*tch! I'm taller than you!" Jimin screamed as he stood up and rushed out of the front door.

As soon as Jimin was gone, Nana sat in the chair that I was originally sitting in.

"So I'm just waiting for Jungkook or someone else to come in here and fight me and win, or me to win and then to die. Sooooo... I'm just gonna tell you this now. That chic you were so fond of? Yeah. Her *ss is-"

Jungkook can't even let her finish a d*mn sentence now can he.

Next thing I know, she took a swing at him and he had her pinned, straddled her, and had the barrel of a gun shoved in her mouth.

"Shut the f*ck up, Nana."

With that, Namjoon and Jin walked in carrying a chair with bonds built into it. It looked a lot less comfortable than the metal shake she had previously been held too.

The metal chair was soon unchained from its spot and the new chair was replacing it.

"I could've killed you all," Nana said with distain as she was being strapped in, "but I'm a good little girl."

Oh my god she's f*cking insane.

"We all have a job to do sweetie. So if you could just sit there and be a 'good little girl' for a few hours that'd be great," Jungkook said once he finished fastening her in.

"Oh I know you all have your jobs. You're somehow the best at everything. Park Jimin is the short one in charge of intel and supplies. Hoseok is the sniper. Yoongi is in charge of everything computer wise. Jin is in charge of explosives and escape. Namjoon is in charge of all of you and planning. Taehyung is Jungkook's lapdance."

Taehyung emerged from behind Seokjin.

"Frankly I wouldn't mind giving him one," Nana mutters dunder her breath.

"I've never been so insulted!" Taehyung mocked in his deep voice.

"You don't listen much, do you?"

Taehyung's face dropped and he glared icily at Nana.

"She's not as bad as everyone has talked her up to be," Taehyung said as we all started to go back to our own separate rooms.

"No, she's much worse than words could ever describe."

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