"Damn you don't gotta' push me." Kofi mugged her as he slid out of the booth.

Zaidee stayed quiet the whole ride.

"Wassup wit' you?" Kofi glanced over at her.

"Nothing." She responded quickly.

"You always like this when you on yo' period?" He asked her.

Feeling offended, Zaidee gasped. "No! My period isn't even the problem. I'm just confused as to why Layla wanted to eat with us but she really ignored me. It's like she was on a date with you." Zaidee rolled her eyes.

Kofi rolled his eyes also. "You mad cause she was more interested in talkin' to me than you?" Kofi looked over at her.

Zaidee cut her eyes at him. "Just hurry up and take me home."

"I just paid for yo' meal and I can't even get a thank you?" Kofi pretended to be shocked.

Zaidee rolled her eyes again. "Thanks." She muttered.

"Stop rollin' yo' damn eyes." Kofi held a mug on his face.

"Leave me alone." She almost rolled her eyes again.

"What you and Mikey been doin' tho'?" He asked, almost forgetting. "The nigga that be at yo' locker and shit."

Zaidee sighed hard causing Kofi to glare at her.

"You've read me and Mikey's messages. You know that we don't have anything going on." She said truthfully.

"Yeah but what that nigga be talkin' to you at school for?" He asked.

"I don't know. I just found out he goes to our school. I didn't even know that he's the guy you got into it with." Zaidee shrugged.

"I'm not tellin' you to stop talkin' to the nigga or nothin' but make sure the nigga don't overstep his boundaries or imma' have to beat his ass again." Kofi said, being dead serious about every word he said.

Zaidee bit her lip and nodded. She noticed they were pulling up to the apartments she lived in.

"And stop assumin' shit. That Layla girl ain't tryna do shit wit' me. She know we together." He soon parked near the building she lived in.

"I don't know... it seems like she doesn't care. I'll stop assuming but I'm still watching her." Zaidee wasn't even gonna lie to him and say she had let it go because she hadn't and she wasn't going to until she was sure that Layla wasn't up to anything.

Kofi shook his head and dropped the subject. "What you doin' tomorrow?" He asked her.

Tomorrow was Thanksgiving and almost everyone was going to be spending it with family.

"Most likely going over to my other aunt's house and sitting somewhere, minding my business until we eat and leave." She said honestly.

Her favorite cousins, which were her uncle's daughters, were going to be spending this Thanksgiving with their grandmother who wouldn't dare leave the house in cold weather. Her sister would be with her boyfriend's family. So she wouldn't have anyone to talk to other than her older family members.

Kofi bit his lip and nodded. "You wanna come kick it wit' me and my folks?" He asked her. He wanted to introduce her to his family and he figured the best time to do that would be while they were under the same roof. He didn't want to introduce her to the whole family, just his mom, sister, grandmother, his favorite uncle, and his closest cousins.

Zaidee slowly shook her head. "Nooo... I would feel so out of place and I'm shy."

Kofi smacked his lips. "My people ain't that bad. You can hang wit' me the whole time."

Looking around, Zaidee thought about it. "I'll go." She nodded since it wasn't gonna be any better going with her family.

"Aight. Be ready by like.... three." He said. People were going to arrive at his mother's house before then but he knew by then the food would probably be ready in an hour or less.

"Okay." Zaidee nodded.

The two shared a kiss and their goodbyes before Zaidee got out and headed inside.

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