.Rise and Fall. (62)

Start from the beginning

I scoffed. "You really think so? But you're right I will never tell him. Because I'm just not the nagging type of girlfriend and I might actually save your ass. Once he finds out about this he won't hesitate to snap your neck."

She digged her nails in to her palms. "He will never do that. I am his childhood friend.."

"And I am the girl he loves", I quickly said back.

"NO. HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU. STAY AWAY FROM HIM..", she spatted out. Her eyes watch me as if challenging me to say something in return and I'd give that to her.

"I will stay away from him, if only you can make him stay away from me." That's all it took for her to break loose. I was thrown on the ground again before she and her little army started kicking me everywhere. The sticky end of my hair touched my cheeks, that's how short it was. I was so used to the pain by now that I felt nothing but numb. My tears had dried down on my cheeks. I accepted all the beatings without a protest, what was the use anyway. What have I ever done to deserve this? Maybe something very bad. Maybe I also know what is that.

I fell for the bad boy.

One last kick from Stella on my stomach and I coughed blood out. With one disgusted look from her and then they all left. I spitted it out of my mouth and tried to wriggle out of the cloth that tied my hands down behind my back.

At last it came loose and I was able to pull it off. Still lying on the floor, I took out my phone from my back pocket. I decided to call the one person. 

"Don't waste my time. You know I'm not that lets-gossip-about-the-length-of-your-boyfriends-dick and blah blah kinda girl. Get to the point if only it's important", she said as soon as she picked up the phone. I smiled despite all the pain coursing through my face but at the same time my lips started to quiver.

"M-Mary.. I..", I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"What the fuck Serena?! Where are you? Are you alright? Please tell me you're okay", she panicked upon hearing the crack in my voice.

"I am. Can y-you come pick me up from my school?"

"Of course. You stay right there and don't you dare cut the call. Stay in line with me....", I could hear her already rushing with her keys. "Kevin. Get your ass down here.."

"Chill Loompa.. what's your issue dude?", Kevin was clearly annoyed.

"Serena needs us... I think she is in trouble. Her voice sounds like she's been crying..", Mary sounded like she was about to cry too.

"Holy shit! Then I'm fucking driving. Give me the keys", Kevin said in a  serious tone.

I heard the sound of the engines roar. "Keep the phone on the speaker Mary. I want to talk to her."

"Serena? Can you hear me?", he asked. 

"Y-yes... you don't have to rush I'll be fine..", I tried to sound strong.

"Don't worry alright. We'll be there soon and you can tell us everything. Just hold on for some minutes. I have faith in my girl, you're strong. I'm gonna kick whoever's ass trying to mess with you", he said like trying to encourage me. And that brought a smile on my face. I was still lying on the floor, not able to move a muscle of my body.

"Is Mary there with you?", I asked since I didn't hear her.

"Yes she is but she is too terrified to talk", he said.

"Tell her not to worry. I'm good..."

"Stop lying you're not. You don't sound good..", she finally snapped at me. "And can you drive faster? Even my grandma can overtake you."

"Woah. I'm already crossing the speed limit and we are almost there.. I'm worried about her too."

"I know but I'm more worried."

"No I'm more. Just because you became friends with her first doesn't give you the right to be more worried than me."

They started arguing again and I started crying. This time not because of the pain but for how lucky I am to have them as my friends.

Finally they reached the school campus and I told them I was in the girls locker room. I tried to sit up. On the first attempt I fell back but then I succeed on the third time. Holding on the locker, I somehow managed to stand up still leaning on it for support. The door burst open and I saw the two familiar figure I was waiting for.

Mary ran to me before inspecting my face with her eyes as wide as saucers. Kevin had the same expression. Both speechless. I couldn't blame them I must look really horrible. Then she touched my short hair. Kevin's eyes followed her every movement.

"Guys.. stop staring at me like that", I said. Mary suddenly pulled me into a hug for the first time since we ever became friends. Then she started crying and I was shocked will be an understatement.

"Who the fuck did this to you?", Kevin gritted out with his hands turning into fist. I have never seem him like this before. The sweet funny Kevin was gone. "Tell me the names Serena. They will not get away with this that easily."

Even though I would love them to punish but I know how the system works. Stella will get away with everything. "Please can we get out of this place first", I tried changing the topic. He nodded. "Only for now I'm gonna act like you didn't try to change the topic. We'll talk about this later."

Mary pulled away. "Revenge will be not so sweet for the cock-suckers", she said with venom.

For the time being I tried to suppress the matter as much as I can. So I didn't say anything in return but I really didn't want them to take any decision when they are this angry and end up doing something which will leave no difference between us and them. They both helped me to the car. Mary and I took the backseat while Kevin started the engines and headed to the nearest clinic for a quick check up on me.

On the way, I saw Nick's car going back to school to give Stella's doses. She just made him travel for nothing. Such a cruel bitch and I'm the dumb one for pushing him when he didn't want to go. Nothing would've happened that way. Then I remembered he told me to call him. So I decided to do.

"Who are you calling?", Mary inquired.

"Nick. I'll just inform him I'm with you guys", I said as I contact him.

He picked up in the third ring. "Rena? Are you okay? I was waiting for you to call me. I tried calling but your line was busy." His concerned voice almost made me tear up again. I miss his warmth and I wish I could tell him but I know what happens when he loses his temper.

"Yeah. I'm fine and I'm.. on my way to Mary's house. She wants me to have dinner there. I'll see you later", I lied.

He was silent for few seconds. "O-okay but do you want me to pick you up?"

"No! I'm also having a sleepover at hers... uh I gotta go Nick."

"But Rena.. I mean it's alright..."


I hang up because I felt like a horrible person for lying to him. But Mary and Kevin were watching me with their eyes like explain.


I decided to tell them but lied at the same time that I didn't see thier faces and I have no clue who they are. Yes I'm becoming a great liar. They were disappointed that they couldn't have their revenge back.  But I had already much drama and I don't need more of them. From next time I'll be more careful starting with, I'll stay with the crowd most of the time or Nick or Sarah or anyone I know.

"You do know you have to get a haircut right?", Mary asked slowly.

I groaned. "I know." I am going to miss my waist length hair.

"And this....", Mary started hesitantly. "Uh.. you know I mean the dye on your hair is.... umm. ..p-permanent."

"What?!", Kevin and I asked in unison. I mostly shouted. No no this not happening. I thought Stella did just to scare me and it will wash off.

"You are officially a brunette."


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