Marinette: One Reveal Closer

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   "Marinette!" Chat Noir came back through the window, "I'm back!" I headed out of my room, and waved. 
   "Hey Kitty!" I smiled, "I've just been working on a couple clothing orders..." I walked out, "Do you have to patrol tonight?"
   "Yeah, I should probably go after dinner." he rubbed his head.
   "After dinner? That's a little early." I pouted.
   "Yeah, unfortunately. It's okay, I'll try to get back as early as I can. I've just got to update Ladybug on a couple of things."
   "Is everything okay?"
   "Yeah, it's fine, just gotta update her on my routes, things I've found, the usual."
   "Oh, okay. Do you want me to start dinner?" I asked him.
   "I can help, what was the plan?"
   "Well, we need to go to the store... I just have some pre-packaged noodles."
   "That's totally fine. I can do it, I know you need to do your clothing orders."
   "Yeah, it's no problem."
   "Oh, thanks Chat. Maybe I can finish this last order tonight. You're the best." I headed back to my room, and 10 minutes later, I started smelling the noodles. I walked out, and sat at the dinner table.
   "I feel bad." Chat pouted, "You make better things than I do."
   "I grew up around food, Kitty." I laughed, "Of course I make a lot of food. Besides, this helps me a lot."
   "Well, yeah, it gives me more time to sew and send out the orders. Believe me, it helps." I hugged him from behind, "Well come on, you have to get going soon and I have to finish these things up as soon as possible."
   "I can clean up after." Chat offered. I crossed my arms, "Seriously! It's no big deal! You have a job to do. Besides, taking five minutes to clean some dishes won't kill me. I'm sure Ladybug wouldn't care if I spent five minutes doing a chore." he snickered. 
   "Okay, I just want to make sure." he hugged me, 
   "I know. You're just looking out for me. Thank you, now come on, let's eat, I'm hungry!"
   "Alright." I laughed. We ate quickly, and I headed back to my room. I heard Chat leave after a while, and I left right after I couldn't see him. I got to the Eiffel Tower first, which surprised me. Maybe he got distracted. Then, he started approaching the tower. He stood next to where I was sitting, and sat down next to me.
   "Good evening, Ladybug."
   "Hey, Chat." I smiled, "How's everything going?"
   "Well, it's been okay, how about yourself?"
   "I've been doing great."
   "I lied." I looked over, worriedly.
   "Chat?" he groaned, "Are you okay?"
   "No." he lied down, "It's not... Ladybug, I need to vent."
   "T-To me? What about your friend?"
   "They can't exactly know... they don't know I'm Chat..."
   "Oh, I see. Talk to me, what's on your mind?"
   "I feel kind of bad."
   "Why's that?"
   "I haven't been able to go to my school."
   "I thought you were homeschooled."
   "I was... until I was summoned." my eyes widened, 
   "I told you I was magical... but I never told you that I was a familiar."
   "You're a familiar?"
   "Y-Yes." he looked down, "And my summoner... is the girl I've been talking about."
   "Is she?"
   "Yeah. Well, I've told her I go to the Bourgeois's home for daily jobs, but in reality, I've been studying with a professor, so I can get a normal diploma. No one can know that I'm a human familiar. I'd be taken away, most likely. Tested, experimented, I'm sure you know about that."
   "Yeah." I lied, "You haven't told her?"
   "No. B-But, there's more than that. You see, I wasn't supposed to be summoned."
   "You just said you were a familiar...?"
   "I am, technically?" he nervously chuckled, "I'm trapped in the suit, M'Lady."
   "Trapped... in your suit?" my eyes widened.
   "Look, either I can transform as Chat Noir... or an actual black cat. I haven't been able to be my civilian self in... well, I'd say somewhere around 6 months? I've lost track." I was speechless.
   "A-Are you serious? How can you fix it? Did you talk to Master Fu?"
   "I've tried, Ladybug." he pouted, "But each time we try something, it doesn't work. If I try a spirit separation spell... the results could be fatal, and I could die from the procedure... if it's not done correctly." 
   "You've been Chat Noir for 6 months, without being able to walk around without the mask, and instead of being your civilian self, you become a black cat?"
   "That's how I was summoned, by her. As a cat."
   "This is a lot." I breathed. He was telling me... he wasn't actually a familiar, and that he was summoned to me... by mistake? That must've meant I didn't have a familiar at all. "Does this mean you're... something else?"
   "I'm a wizard myself." my jaw dropped. That would explain the classes, the test changing, and the extensive knowledge on potions Chat had. "Ladybug... you can't tell anyone. Please, I just, can't hold it in anymore."
   "No, I completely understand. I won't say a single word."
   "You won't?"
   "That's a promise. Chat, let me help you. I don't know, there has to be a way to help you... maybe patrol can wait."
   "No, come on, it's okay-"
   "It's not!" I exclaimed, "Look, I love being Ladybug, but there's no way I could stand being her for more than 6 months like this, with no breaks." his eyes widened. "Chat, I think Paris is fine for tonight... besides, there's something you need to do at home, isn't there?" he lowered his head,
   "This doesn't feel right, but I think I know what's you're insinuating. Are you sure?"
   "Yes. I'm calling the patrol off. I'll let the police department know."
   "You will?" 
   "Yes. Prepare yourself." 
   "Ladybug... I owe you."
   "You don't. Now, head on home. It's going to be okay. I'm going to try and research this, too. You're not just my superhero partner, you're one of my closest friends, and that's a fact." I hugged him, "I'm going to try to help you the best I can."
   "Thank you." he waved, and hopped off. I headed straight to the police department, and told them what was going on. This was the first time I had to not patrol, they sent out five cars to do the work for the night, and I headed back to the apartment. Chat was pacing in the living room. I climbed from the balcony into the living room. I closed the door, and drew the curtains, so that no one could look in.
   "Who's there?" Chat had his baton out. He turned on the kitchen light, and his eyes widened. "Ladybug? What are you doing here? I can't find Marinette."
   "Marinette," I closed my eyes, "She's here." My heart was racing. Something about him telling Ladybug all of his burdens... it didn't feel right. I felt guilty. I felt like I was hiding more than just my own secrets. I felt like if I didn't tell him who I was, it would be almost deceiving for him. The fact that he was nervous about telling Ladybug, his sadness for me, that he was summoned instead of a familiar. The shame in his voice, that he couldn't be a normal civilian like I could. I couldn't just walk away from that patrol, and keep that information, knowing that I was the girl he was trying so hard not to disappoint, or upset. I wanted him to know, that I wasn't upset. That I was happy it was him. That I'd try to help him in every single possible way. That I cared about him. I wanted him to know everything. Chat had been my partner for about 4 years in the suit. But, he'd been my familiar for 6 months, and my best friend for 6 months. I started seeing Chat as someone more than just all of those things. I started seeing him as a caring, fun, and charming person. I was able to overlook the mask. He lifted me from my sadness, he made me laugh when I needed it the most. He made special nights even more special. I loved him, for the silly cat he was, and never in my wildest dreams, did I think that I'd somehow fall for the person I'd be working with to protect Paris. It was the biggest risk, doing the thing I was about to do, right now. It would change the dynamic of our entire partnership. But, it was something I absolutely needed to do. How could I live with myself, if I just stood there, and did nothing? How could I just stand there as Marinette, and not see his struggles? I was so stupid, and so blind!
   "Ladybug... what's going on?"
   "Tikki, spots off." I whispered. The familiar warmth of my transformation spread, and soon, I was Marinette. Chat dropped his baton, and his jaw dropped. He stuttered, taking a step back. 
   He hated me, didn't he?


   I WASN'T GOING TO DO THIS BUT THE TEMPTATION WAS CALLING FOR ME! THIS IS A MAJOR CLIFFHANGER I'M SO SORRY!!! But fortunately, the next chapter is getting done so... it'll be a fun update. I've also got picture day for school tomorrow and ugh... I got my eyebrows done a couple days ago and the lady messed them up. The tails are completely gone, and they are so thin D: I recently got my hair dyed a burgundy-purple color too so... maybe I'll post a photo on Instagram... if you don't follow me there you should...! My username is roseoreh, just like the one here... only lowercase. I've also got a Twitter that I'm going to try to use more frequently, it's also at roseoreh. But, yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed this lovely cliffhanger chapter and I will see you all in the next chapter. Till then, have a wonderful next couple of days!!!! :D

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