Adrien: Finding a Solution

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   The dance ended shortly after the slow dance Marinette and I had together. We went home a little early, crowns on our heads, and a lovely ride home. Before going to bed, Marinette planted a kiss on my cheek, thanking me for what might have been the most magical night of her life. Ever since, I've refused to stop thinking about it. What it could've meant, and what would happen from there. I was currently in school, taking an after school course with Ms. M, and I just couldn't stop thinking about it.
   "Adrien?" I looked up, and looked around.
   "You don't have to keep doing that. I make sure this area is secured while you're here." she answered, "So, what are you thinking about?"
   "A lot of things." I answered, "I'm sorry, I just can't focus right now."
   "Well, let's talk about it for a little." she stood up, "So, what's on your mind?"
   "This is the weirdest thing I think I've ever seen someone go through, and I'm the one going through it. I mean, one day, everything was normal, and fine, and I was okay, and the next moment, I'm completely unable to return to my normal self, and I have to live a life that I really wasn't prepared for. And then, I get summoned by one of my best friends, and I find myself seeing a completely different person. And then it's like, well what can I do?"
   "So, where I'm seeing things, your mind is on your inability to return to your civilian self, and on Miss Dupain-Cheng?" she summed it all up.
   "Yeah, in a nutshell." I sighed, fumbling the pencil I had in my hands. "How'd you come to that conclusion?"
   "You said it." she replied, "So tell me, have you found anything that might be linked to your inability to return?"
   "No." I answered. "I don't know."
   "When did you transform?"
   "I transformed in the middle of the night." I answered.
   "Tell me, was it a full moon?" she asked me.
   "No." I answered, "I don't think there was a moon at all, actually."
   "A New Moon? I don't know if I've heard of such a thing happening on no moon at all." she answered, "Do you know why you were summoned by Marinette?"
   "I have no idea. But that means she's living without a familiar."
   "It's my understanding you told her you were her familiar?"
   "Yeah... I didn't know what else to say." I answered, "I can't just tell her that she doesn't have a familiar. Not having a familiar can be the worst thing ever." I sighed. "I mean, if Marinette didn't have a familiar right now, she'd probably be in the center of a lot more bullying than just Chloe."
   "You noticed hers and Miss Bourgeois's... feud, then?"
   "Well, I knew they didn't like each other, but I guess I don't know the whole story."
   "And that's okay. I understand, too. Not having a familiar as a young witch or wizard can be heartbreaking, and it takes many more years to catch up. In a sense, maybe it was a good excuse. You'll all be graduating in the summer, anyways. However, you need to tell her that there's no familiar in her life before that happens. If she moves on with no familiar... she'll find out eventually."
   "I know." I sighed, "I should do it soon."
   "More than anything else, I think you should go to her for your dilemma." 
   "Now? Why?" I asked her, nervously.
   "Look, I don't know anything about this... curse on you, but something tells me that you were summoned by Marinette for a very specific reason. If it were up to me, you two must be closer than what the eye sees."
   "Closer? In what way?"
   "Maybe you have similar auras, or similar magic. Or maybe, she has magic that can help you." she stood up, "Adrien, you might to wait until the Uncovering."
   "The Uncovering?" my eyes widened. "P-Please, explain exactly what that means."
   "The Uncovering... is when every student casts their Purpose Spell. It determines what kind of magic they have, and what kinds of things they can do with it." she pulled down a guide on her board, "There's over 100 different types of commonly placed wizards and witches, but with so many commonalities, come a series of rarities." she opened up a book on her seat, "Adrien, if Marinette was able to summon you, it must mean she's able to summon those who might be in need of help. How did I not see this before?"
   "Well... each student is required to submit a "History of Magic" form, as a way to "confirm" our students have magic. If Marinette had an ancestor with a rarity, it's very possible she could have something similar or exactly like her ancestors. She could be your ticket back to being you, Adrien." she stood up, "I will be right back. I need you to hide while I'm gone. I need to grab Marinette's folder."
   "O-Okay." I transformed into a cat, and hid under a desk. She left, and I waited. She came back quickly, and closed the door, making sure it was locked. I transformed back, and she opened it. 
   "Don't look at this, just in case... I'm sure Marinette doesn't want people to know her history."
   "Understood." her eyes scrolled through the papers, and she typed some stuff on her computer. She scrolled through some stuff on the computer as well.
   "So... my theory was right." she mumbled.
   "Marinette isn't a normal witch."
   "Normal witch..."
   "Just like you aren't a normal wizard."
   "Normal wizard? What are you getting at?" I asked her.
   "Adrien, you come from a long line of what we call "Disguisers". These Wizards have the ability to one; Hide themselves in means of becoming someone else and two; controlling other people to do their bidding. You also have a history of revolution-makers. These are Wizards and Witches who create spells, not learn them."
   "A spell-creater?" I asked her, "A disguiser?"
   "Something tells me that you were able to disguise yourself as Chat Noir, and now, you can't undo the affect. You probably made a spell that was able to turn you into another version of yourself, and that's why no one is able to help you. Well, almost everyone."
   "Marinette, and never mention this to anyone. Miss Dupain-Cheng comes from a line that we call "Weavers". They're able to look into the eyes of a witch or wizard and determine what they are... just by looking at them, and they can take on any power that the witch or wizard has, and could possibly know every spell known in Magic History."
   "But uncoverings are supposed to be secret."
   "That's why it's a rarity. Marinette's past of weavers and caretakers could make her a powerful magic user. You wouldn't call her a witch past that point."
   "What would you call her?"
   "I'd call her Magic in itself. It's such a long shot though, her history has so many gaps in it, her parents... there's no magic in them." Ms. M sighed, "But, you have to be healed, and soon. Uncoverings can't happen until you all graduate, which won't be for another 4 and a half months."
   "Four and  half more months?" I sighed, putting my head in my hands, "I don't know how much longer I can take. I love being Chat Noir, but I miss being me so much more."
   "If you had to pick, which would you stay as?" she asked me.
   "I can't decide." I answered, "As much as I loved my life, I was controlled by my father, and never got to do the things I wanted to do. But as Chat, his unlimited freedom kind of made up for the lack freedom I had as Adrien. They've both become such different parts of me, it would almost be like losing half of me if I gave up one of them."
   "I'm sure Ladybug feels the same way... have you told Ladybug about any of this?"
   "No Ma'am." I answered, "I haven't told anyone, except for the person who gave me my powers in the first place, but they don't know what to do, either."
   "I see. I think your best chance of getting through this is by talking to either Marinette or Ladybug... they have a right to know where Adrien went."
   "No one cares about Adrien anymore. They've moved on."
   "That's where you're wrong." Ms M. shook her head, "You know, everyday, I look up at Marinette, and she looks at where you used to sit, every single time, and the biggest frown appears on her face. I look at Alya and Nino who also look to where you used to sit, and it's like this cloud covers their head. Even Chloe does it. Look, the point is, you're wrong. People do miss you, and they will always miss you, unless you can do something about it."
   "You really see that? They really miss me?"
   "You are their best friend. Here's your homework," she handed me a packet, "Extra Credit: Talk to someone about your problem. Go see the person who gave you the powers, or talk to someone you can trust."
   "I'll try. Thank you."
   "Yep. Now, go, I have to grade these tests." With that, I headed out from the school to go see Marinette. I thought about whether or not I should tell Marinette. Then I realized, if I wanted to be Adrien again, I'd need to talk to someone, and soon.


   Aw, Adrien my smol bean D: He's conflicted right now lol. It feels like it's been forever since I've uploaded anything... apologies if it has been. But, I've been working on the Aphmau draft and another draft that I might want to publish based on a game. So, yeah! As always, I'd like to thank you all for your support and love for this fanfic, and I will see you soon! Till then!

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