XXI - "Fun's over."

Beginne am Anfang

"Fucking everything." he yelled back and exited the room. Fuck everything what?

I had a quick wash and went downstairs, to find Mickey arguing with Kris about the money, again?! Mickey was clearly too nervous. My stomach was still full from the late night meal so I didn't get any dinner. Instead, I passed the afternoon playing games on my laptop.  Then, all of a sudden, I wanted to have a Twitter account. I created one with my name and picture and searched up Harry. Turns out he used Twitter a lot, and had lots of followers. I followed him, and ten minutes later he followed me back. He was online for sure, so I messaged him

Direct Messages with @harry_styles

You:  look who's online!

                                               welcome to twitter babe :Harry Styles

You: thanks :3 well well you are famous for sure here

                                        cause I'm FAB that's why xD :Harry Styles

You: oh fuck off -.- stop saying that

           u're just mad cuz u haven't FAB abs like me :Harry Styles

You: come on :3 -.-

               hahahah you're cute when you're angry :) :Harry Styles

                                               so any plans for tonight? :Harry Styles

You: no :3

  awesome :3 now go get ready and message me

                                     when you're at the bus station :Harry Styles

You: I think I'm gonna remember that bus station for life xp

      can you even imagine it's near to the place we

                              first met? it's the same boulevard! :Harry Styles

You: aww Boulevard of HemiStylato

                the fuck? ahhaahahahahha that was high :Harry Styles

You: of course it's high cuz it's OUR boulevard, biatchxx

I left my phone on the bed and went straight to the closet.

Black trousers, oversized white shirt, Campbell Litas and a nice braid.

I decided to go with random accessories and did my make up. Just concealer, eyebrow pencil and mascara. Later I texted Harry and made my way slowly to the bus station.

It was still five PM and the sun was blazing the city.

Harry was standing as usual beside his car, phone is his hands. He was wearing a brown jean jacket, sleeves rolled up, white t shirt and jeans.

"Hello there!" I greeted, surprising him.

He gave me a bone crushing hug and a small peck on the lips.

"So, ready?" he asked, lips curved to his dimples.

"Hey, let's take a picture first!" I came up and took my phone on its front camera.

"Tongue out!" I demanded and Harry did as I said.

"Perfect!" I shouted happily, looking at the picture.

"Hey I have an idea." Harry said as we started walking.

I wrapped my arm around his and raised my eyebrows waiting for his reply.

"How about, we take a picture everyday we meet?"

"OMG that's so fun!" I nodded cheerfully. "Yes! Yes, yes!"

He smiled back and crossed our fingers.

And suddenly, when everything seemed alright, a dozen of paparazzi with their huge cameras appeared. They started running at us, noise filling the area.

"Shit." he muttered.

Not a minute passed and we were blocked. Cameras flashed every second and nothing but crowds of people could be seen. It was happening again.

"Fun's over." I whispered to myself, squeezing Harry's hand, afraid to let go.

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams [ Wattys 2015 ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt