Inventions Galore

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        After an hour or two of wrestling with the laundry, you decide that it's time to visit Tails' workshop. Clothing and bedsheets folded neatly in the living room, you zip out the house without so much as a goodbye to your lovely roommate. As you race along the shoreline, your memories arrive in a clutter, reforming the almost-forgotten images of Tails' inventions from long ago. 

        His workshop was really awesome, I can't wait to see what new things he has created! This excitement brings a new spring to your step as sandy clouds are kicked up from your flying feet. Within only a couple of minutes, the cliff in which the workshop is perched on arrives into view. Taking a sharp turn away from the ocean, you climb a steep hill melding into the cliff. Upon reaching the top, your (y/a) ears perk in interest.

        "Hi, Sonic!" you call out. The blue hedgehog turns and gives a wave before his attention is occupied by something in the sky. He is standing in the middle of the runway in front of the workshop, a device held between both hands. What's keeping him so engaged is the mini flying machine hovering over his head.

        "Check this out, (Y/n)!" Sonic exclaims with a grin. Eyes sparkling in curiosity you approach your friend as he uses the controller to land the flying machine. It falls with a skid across the hard surface of the runway. "This is a small model of an invention that Tails may work on in the future." Sonic picks the machine off the ground and carefully hands it to you. You twirl the creation around, being sure to examine every detail. It looks like a fusion between a helicopter and a rocket ship. So cool! you smile. The strange device is pulled from your grasp and you let out a pout. 

        Sonic chuckles and says with a wink, "C'mon, Tails has been waitin' all day to show you his stuff. He wouldn't shut up about 'the look on her face when she sees' this, that, and the other. What am I, chopped liver?" He snickers, showing that it's all in good humor. Sonic then takes your hand and pulls you toward the workshop, the flying model tucked tightly under his armpit.

        The inside of the workshop is filled with clangs, bangs, and whistles. You have to cover your ears from all the racket, so loud as it is. Somehow the door had kept in the noise, making it impossible to know that this was going on inside. Much to your annoyance, Sonic doesn't seem too bothered by it. He just pulls you further into the building, swerving through the large pieces of material scattered about the ground. You emerge from behind a tall metal slab to see the orange fox on his knees, his back hunched over the wheel of a ginormous airplane.

        "Hey, buddy, guess who's arrived!" A gloved hand pats at your shoulder as if Sonic is keeping a child in check at an extravagant carnival. You wriggle away, (e/c) eyes staring in awe at the enormity of the machine.

        "Tails, there is no way that you made this," you proclaim, incredulous. The fox gets to his feet and wipes his gloves on furry legs, leaving dark smudges.

        "I definitely did!" Tails enthusiastically nods. "I'll tell you this—it took a long time, but I finally think it's ready to be tested! We just need to wait until the paint dries." Taking another long glance at the plane, you can see that its dark blue exterior has a slick sheen to it. Tails clasps his hands together and proudly announces, "I call it the Tsunami! It has two rows of ten seats, so it can hold all of our friends and even more! What's especially fantastic is that now I can finally have a co-pilot to help out with the controls." The boy is shivering with barely-contained excitement, ready to burst at the thought that his beloved invention will soon be ready to fly.

        "Calm down, buddy!" Sonic laughs. "Now why don't you go an' show the (y/a) what new stuff you built? I'll go put this thing...somewhere." He trails off, head turning in all directions to find a safe place to set the flying model.

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