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        Morning arrives through a variety of orange, red, and purple shades. The moment you awaken you are tackled to the velvety pink carpet in a bone-crushing hug.

        "Oh (Y/n)!" a girly voice exclaims. "I'm so glad you're okay! I would have hugged you sooner but Tails didn't want me to wake you up! OH I'M JUST SO HAPPY!" Your tongue lolls from your mouth as you gasp for breath while being squished between the girl and the floor.

        "Heeeh... Amy...please!" you wheeze, (e/c) eyes almost popping out of your head.

        The pink arms unwrap themselves from your body and you find your lungs able to expand. You cough out a "Thanks" and get to your feet. Amy is just grinning like she didn't almost suffocate you. Her obliviousness causes a small smile to stretch across your lips as well. Twirling an ear around, you hear soft footsteps approaching. Before you turn around you notice that Amy looks a tad bit shocked, as if she had forgotten something. Cream looks up to you with a smile on her face.

        "Good morning," a polite squeak leaves her.

        "Aw shoot, that's right," Amy says, slapping a gloved hand to her forehead. "I have to take Cream back home! Come on Cream, Vanilla must be so worried about you!"

        The pink hedgehog races past you and latches onto the little girl's arm, dragging her out the front door. You follow close behind and watch as Amy lifts Cream into her small, eco-friendly car, before running around to the driver's door. Only her brown eyes are visible from the car's window as Cream sadly waves goodbye. You feel gloomy as well. Hopefully you will be seeing the little rabbit soon. As the car starts up you wave goodbye to Cream and watch as your friends take off down the street of this fancy neighborhood. A sad sigh leaves your mouth and your ears droop a little. You are startled when a warm hand rests itself on your shoulder.

        "Hey, (y/a)," a familiar voice says. Glancing to the side you notice Sonic's emerald eyes are hovering just inches from your face.

        With a gulp you stammer, "H-Hey, Sonic..." A dust of pink begins to grow on your usually (y/c) face as you remember yesterday's unexpected event. Sonic's face starts to change color too when he notices your awkward blush. He nervously chuckles.

        "L-Look, about last night... I, uh-"

        "It's alright Sonic," you butt in with a soft mumble. The boy peers at you confusedly, his head tilting a little. A long pause fills the air. To end this uncomfortable moment, you feel the need to say something. "I...I guess I'm just too amazing to be away from." Sonic snickers and shakes his head, emeralds eyes closed.

        "Yeah... Hey, wait! Did you just make a joke?" You give a grimace that is somewhat close to a smirk, and shrug. The hedgehog grins and shakes your shoulder in a playful manner. "Well Tails probably has breakfast made." Sonic licks his lips before turning to lead you back inside.

        "Sonic," you mutter, stopping him in his tracks.

        "Huh?" He turns around with concern reflecting in his eyes, worried about your new tone of speech. You sigh and wring your hands together, not sure about asking the question that has been echoing through your mind.

        "Um...what happened to...Shadow?" You watch as your friend's eyebrows crease, just at the mention of the name.

        "Stripped of pride and title," Sonic darkly responds. He then seems to instantly perk up, "Now c'mon, I'm hungry!"

        You nearly faint as the sight of the dining table. Tails laughs at the shocked look on your face.

        "Don't die on us (Y/n)!"

        Die? Never! Not until I try everything on this table! You have to clamp your mouth shut to keep a thick dribble from escaping. Sonic smirks and pulls you near the dining table which is filled with a variety of delicious breakfast foods. Pumpkin waffles, blueberry pancakes, crêpes with raspberry syrup, fried and scrambled eggs, sausage patties with biscuit buns! (E/c) eyes wide, you dive for the nearest chair and reach across the table to pick up a plate from a stack of the newly washed dishes. While the boys are watching with their mouths hanging open, you start piling a bit of everything onto your plate. You can barely contain yourself from just stuffing your face in the food-filled platters; since being at Shadow's cabin, you had been close to starved.

        "Slow down, (y/a)," Sonic jokes while spooning himself some scrambled eggs.

        With an eyebrow raised, you aim a glare at the hedgehog that says "Heck no." He flashes a wink and you quickly return to eating before your face can become red with embarrassment. Twenty minutes later your stomach is full, almost to the point of bursting. Without saying anything you clumsily stand up from your chair and waddle to Amy's pink loveseat, rolling onto it with a hand over your protruding belly. You groan and close your eyes, needing to lie down for a minute or two.

        "Hey (Y/n), would you like some breakfast pizza?" you hear Tail call from the kitchen.

        "Ugh!" you moan. "No more!"

        Ears flicking in irritation, you hear as the two boys giggle and walk over to sit beside your lounging body. You suddenly jerk your head up when you feel a finger poking at your enlarged stomach. Sonic swiftly brings his gloved hands into his lap, looking up at the ceiling and whistling. Rolling your eyes you heft your body up with difficulty, assuming a seating position next to your blue friend.

        "Hehe. So, what do you want to do today, (Y/n)?" Sonic asks with a small smile. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion.

        "You're actually asking what I want to do?"

        "Of course!" exclaims Tails. "After all you've been through; we believe you deserve as much enjoyment as possible." Hmm... Thinking far back, you remember a little idea that meant a whole lot.

        "This day is all about you," Sonic says, seeming to encourage your unspoken idea. Your (e/c) eyes lighten and you smile a bit.


        The fresh air of Mobius rushes past you in invisible flurries, blowing the (y/c) fur from your face and bringing back a sense of longing. You, Tails, and Sonic are flying in the Hurricane, high over the many forests and meadows below. A blurry white speck catches your eye far off in the distance.

        "There!" you point, panting in excitement.

        The white sand arrives in no time, accompanied with the sight of an endless line of blue. The ocean. You are to build a house near the ocean.  

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