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        You wake up to a blue and tan hedgehog in your face. For a slight second you are startled and attempt to get away from the face, but you stop, realizing that you are not being attacked. Also, this hedgehog has you in a very tight hold. However, you still would like to escape from his grasp, seeing the dribble of saliva about to roll down his chin and onto your face. Sonic snores loudly, causing more drool to be pushed from the inside of his mouth. Think of all the germs this teenage boy has!

        "Um, Sonic!" a loud, panicked whisper leaves you. Sonic scrunches his eyes and mutters under his breath. He then lifts an arm from your shoulder to pat your head.

        "Good little (y/a)," he sleepily coos. "I'll...get you a treat...later." Sonic quietly moans and rolls to his other side, releasing you in the process.

        Warily you climb out of bed, blushing profusely. Well, that was awkward, you grumble to yourself. At least he's still asleep. Sighing, you make your way to the bedroom door and are about to twist the handle. You suddenly stop though, and you look to your sleeping friend in shame. He probably thinks I'm weak for being afraid of thunder, you sadly think. Quietly you exit the room, bringing the door shut with a small click.

        Stomach growling, you head into the kitchen to prepare a breakfast of waffles. From a high cupboard, you pull out a can of pumpkin, hoping to make this meal extra delicious for Sonic's troubles. As you set about gathering, mixing, and baking the ingredients in a waffle iron, you almost don't notice the footsteps entering the room.

        "Mornin', (Y/n)." Turning away from the waffle iron, you see Sonic give out a lazy wave, his jaw stretched in a wide yawn. Oh my gosh, you stare at his chin in bewilderment. "What? Is something on my face?" Sonic jokes.

        Yes, there definitely is, you silently reply. 

        Somehow, the hedgehog doesn't notice his chin being coated in a layer of his own slobber. Avoiding his gaze, you deliberately tap at your chin, trying to tell him of the drool without actually pointing it out. Sonic just furrows his eyebrows in confusion. You tap at your chin more insistently, making eye contact with the emerald orbs. Slowly, Sonic brings his hand up to his chin and freezes, eyes wide. He instantly turns his back towards you, returning with a clean chin and a blush to add. Nobody makes a comment, the two of you just settle down to a breakfast of pumpkin waffles in silence.

        "I feel like payin' ole Knucklehead a visit," Sonic mumbles through his napkin. "Care to come along?" There had been no sight of the red echidna ever since you last saw him standing over the Master Emerald, far away on Angel Island. You wonder if he gets lonely guarding the precious gem by himself.

        "Sure," you nod. Even a guardian needs a visitor once in a while, right? 

        When you've finished devouring the last of your pumpkin waffles, Sonic leaps up and gathers all the dirty plates, dropping them into the sink. He then rushes to the back door and props it open, waiting for you to leave with him. Rolling your eyes, you follow the overexcited hedgehog outside and the two of you race into the forest toward his home. Along the way, Sonic hums out a suspenseful tune, causing you to look at him in confusion. He sweetly, innocently, smiles back, resuming his dark tune. You shake your head and pay no attention to him, noticing that the hedgehog seems to be much more laid back and goofy around you than when you had first met.

        As soon as the pristine white mansion comes into view, Sonic slows down and begins to stealthily sneak across the meadow to the front entrance.

        "Uh?" you begin to question but are swiftly shushed.

        For some reason, Sonic doesn't seem to want Tails knowing about the expedition. He cracks the front door open and allows you to slip inside, before doing the same. Silently as possible, the two of you step across the grand entrance and down a hall to the left, turning into the garage. The Hurricane stands proudly within this space, its silver sheen glinting in the dim light of the room. Humming with suspense again, Sonic hops into the pilot seat and motions for you to follow behind. While you heft yourself into the aircraft, you flinch in slight pain as your (y/a) ears pick up a shrill squealing. The garage door is being opened.

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