I am NOT [good enough]

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Seungmin had just gotten cozy in the library with his Charms book when he noticed a student walking around, looking sort of lost. Being the nice guy, he was, he got up and approached him.

"Hi, can I help you?" he questioned.

The kid smiled. "Yes, I'm new here and I'm actually I'm looking for Achievements in Charming. It's about Charms..." So, that was the new guy.

"Oh, that's in shelf B7," Seungmin told him, pointing in the general direction of said shelf.

"Thanks! Um, are you a fifth-year too?" the new kid asked.

Seungmin nodded. "I am. I'm also a Ravenclaw, like you. We'll be sharing a dorm," he replied. "I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Kim Seungmin."

"I'm Go Sangyeol," the new student replied, extending his hand for Seungmin to shake.

"You know what, why don't you go get your book and we'll study for Charms together? We have this test coming up next week and I was just about to get some studying done before second period," the prefect offered. Sangyeol smiled and nodded, taking off to get his book while Seungmin walked back over to his table.


"You're procrastinating..." Seungmin pointed out the same evening when he had to pry Hyunjin's curious hands off him yet again. Slytherin would also have a Charms test in the same week as Ravenclaw, so Seungmin had offered to help his boyfriend with studying.

Hyunjin was known to be quite bad at Charms; it just didn't interest him, so he'd do anything to escape from studying, even if it was with Seungmin.

Especially if it was with Seungmin.

The Slytherin smirked. "I just think that I'd much rather kiss you than study some boring spells," he muttered, leaning in closer to Seungmin's ear, causing the younger to shudder.

Even after several weeks of dating, Seungmin still got flustered around the Slytherin sometimes. And Hyunjin still found it endearing.

"I'll just study next week," the older said.

He could tell Seungmin was about ready to give in and call it a day, when he realized: "The test is next week! It'll be too late!"

"I know... I'll manage somehow, okay?" Hyunjin replied. "For now, I just want to spend some time with you." Seungmin glanced at his books, seeming to contemplate whether he should leave the studying be for now.

He sighed. "Okay, fine..." he finally gave in.

Hyunjin grinned, satisfied that he got his will in the end.

They packed away their books and decided to head up to the Ravenclaw common room. It was something they did sometimes, hanging out together at each other's common rooms, when it was late and barely anyone would hang around there anyways. Hyunjin reached for Seungmin's hand somewhere along the way, always admiring the way it just fit so perfectly in his.

Seungmin answered the question at the Ravenclaw dorm's doorknob and led Hyunjin inside the empty common room. The two of them flopped onto one of the blue couches and Hyunjin proceeded to rest his head on the younger's shoulder, closing his eyes in content.

He liked spending time with Seungmin here. He loved how the moon shone through the high windows and how the fireplace crackled softly. Compared to the Slytherin common room, it seemed less elegant, but rather sophisticated.

In short, it was comfortable as fuck.

"I like your common room," Hyunjin mumbled, feeling kind of sleepy all of a sudden.

I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwarts AU One Shot series] Minchan/Changlix/SeungjinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin