34-Finally complete

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A month has past and Paisley still haven't woke up. We are suppose to get married in three weeks. I haven't canceled anything cause I keep hoping she will wake up and still get married. The wedding date is the same day she told me she was pregnant

"It's so hard without you. Ariana misses you. She can roll over now. She is getting so big" I told her resting my head on the bed

A couple minutes of silence then.....


I jerked up at the sound of her voice

" Paisley.. Your awake" looking at her wide eyed then turning towards the door yelling "Doctor"

"How long have I been here" Paisley voice cracked

I gave her some of my water to help

"You been in a coma for a month"


"She is fine. She misses her mommy" I replied teary eyed

Just then the doctor walked in

"How are you feeling Miss Hall?"

"My head is killing me"

"That's to be expected. Ill give you something for your headache"

"When can I go home?"

"I'm afraid that would be a couple days. We will be running tests now that your awake"


"You vitals are good, so that's good news. I'll go get a nurse to give you your medicine for the headache"

"Thanks doc" I said as she took her leave

I turned to Paisley and gave her a kiss on her forehead

"I texted our family and friends letting them know you are awake. Expect this room to be full soon" I chuckled

Paisley just laughed. Oh how I missed her laugh

"So tell me what I missed. All I remember Is Ashleigh telling me she was going to take Ariana and raise her as her own, then she shot me. I heard you run in but then everything went black"

I told her about me being shot and then what happened to Ashleigh. She was sad that she was dead. She wanted her to get help, not die. I told her how her parents are dealing and how Jaxon is. I told her everyone of our friends visited at least once a week

"Thank you for saving my life"

"I would die for you and Ariana. You girls are my world" I told her giving her a small kiss

Our family's started to walk in with Ariana. Paisley got to hold our daughter. Watching them together for the first time in a month melted my heart. After Paisley caught up with how everyone was and thanking everyone for taking care of Ariana, I asked Paisley two questions

"Babe, my parents re-did our Livingroom. Do you want to keep the house or move?" I asked her so if she wants to sell I can throw it on the market ASAP and start looking for a new house

"I love that house, but I don't know, if I'm gonna be alright living there. Lets talk about this after I get home and see how I feel about being in it again"

"Fair enough. I also know you just woke up, but what do you want me to do about our wedding in three weeks?

"You didn't cancel it?" She said with surprise

"I couldn't, I had hope you would wake up. I knew you really wanted to get married on that date"

"I do, thank you"

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