19- The truth

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"I got something to tell you and just so you know I never meant to hurt you"

"Your scaring me"

"I'm not trying to. I love you, Paisley. I never stopped. Breaking up with you was the hardest decision I ever made"

"I don't understand. Then why did you break up with me?"

"After I seen you at the hospital with Deacon I became jealous. I've never been jealous before that's why I acted the way I did towards Deacon. I knew he wasn't a threat and you would never cheat on me, but I was a wreak cause of my dad" I sighed

"After you left I went to the bar and got drunk. A few hours later I woke up in kayla bed naked and she was beside me" She grasped

"I don't remember what happened, but knew you didn't deserve to be cheated on, so I decided it's best to let you go"

"I knew something was wrong cause I would never cheat on you willingly. You are the love of my life and I seen myself marrying you. I went to Seth's and explained everything. He thinks the reason I can't remember is because Kayla drugged me. That's the only thing that would make sense. I don't have any proof, but I know deep down I would of never done that willingly"

"I can't believe Kayla would do that. That bitch. I wish you would of just came home and talked to me instead of doing what you did. Do you have any idea how that felt? I didn't know what I did to make you treat me that way. I cried everyday wishing I had answers. You are the love of my life and I needed you"

"Can you ever forgive me?"

"I need time" I nod

"How far along are you?"

"Seven weeks"

"Can I move back in? I want to be here for you and the baby. I don't want to miss anything. I want to be in this with you"

"So you want to be apart of the baby's life?

"Of course I do. Becoming a dad is a blessing and I'm glad that you are the mother of our unborn child. I love you, Paisley. You are going to be such a great mom"

"I love you too" She said on the verge of tears again

"So, what now?"

"I guess you can move back in and we will take it one day at a time"

"You are amazing"

"How did you get serve at a bar underage?"

"I'm 21"

"When did you turn 21? I was told you were 20"

"Remember when I came in the kitchen super late your second night here? You yelled at me for being loud and told me to keep it in my pants until you are at work? That was my 21st birthday"

"Oh. How is your dad?"

"He is doing a lot better. He just has to watch what he eats"

"That's good"

"So when do you want to tell our parents?"

"We can tell yours tomorrow when we get your stuff. I'm having dinner with mine tomorrow night. If you like to come we can tell them then."

"Does your family hate me?"

"Are you kidding. They keep telling me you will come around and everything will be fine"

"I guess they were right"

"Yeah, but I didnt think it was because I got pregnant"

"True, but I'm glad you did"

"Never crossed my mind"

"I'm glad" She nodded and leaned in closer to me

Catching her drift, I put one hand behind her neck and leaned in closer to kiss her

God I missed this girl


Kissing Trent had to be one of my favorite things. Not only was he a great kisser, but his entire presence while kissing you made you feel warm. His soft lips pressed against mine, closing the gap between us. He first placed a few quick pecks against my mouth before giving me one deep kiss. His mouth opened on mine and I felt his warm tongue slide in between my teeth. I suppressed the excited exhale I wanted to release and continued to kiss him, rubbing my tongue against his as his hand moved from my neck to my hips.

"I really missed kissing you" I breathed as we stopped for air

"I missed everything about you" He mumbled against my lips



Paisley looked up at me, her beautiful cornflower-blue eyes sparkling that filtered in through the window. It was obvious what she was about to do, but I had a hard time believing what was about to happen. 

I could feel her warm breath caressing my skin and feel her soft honey blonde hair brushing gently against my abdomen, my inner thighs, and finally my penis as she undresses me. She smiled at me and blushed self consciously. how odd it was that we suddenly each felt so excitingly, strangely nervous around each other. She reached out, circling a soft white hand around the base of my manhood. 

I sucked in a deep breath and my heart pounded within my chest as the narrow tip of Paisley's pink tongue brushed wetly against my hardness. Paisley turned her face downwards and her long honey blonde hair slid to cover her face like a bride's veil.

Beneath the soft curtain that her hair provided. I felt hot, wet lips lovingly encircle my cock. As her mouth and hand slid up and down my member. Her tongue caressed the delicate underside of my manhood, swirling around my glans until the sensation was almost painful before she took my cock into the soft heat and wetness behind her pretty lips.

As odd as it may seem after the events of recent days, its still hard to believe I was receiving a blow job from Paisley. 

Her pace increased, her hot wet mouth hungrily devouring my manhood and her hand sliding along the moist surface of my cock's skin. I gasped unintelligibly, squinting my eyes closed hard as my world exploded into a blissful orgasm that sent electrical jolts of intense pleasure rushing through every nerve in my body.

I could feel the soft flesh of Paisley throat rhythmically contract around the head of my cock as she swallowed over and over again, greedily sucking my sperm into her throat as I came.

The Room mate (COMPLETE)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin